superconducting phase

superconducting phase
сверхпроводящая фаза

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "superconducting phase" в других словарях:

  • superconducting phase — superlaidžioji fazė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. superconducting phase vok. supraleitende Phase, f rus. сверхпроводящая фаза, f pranc. phase supraconductrice, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • phase supraconductrice — superlaidžioji fazė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. superconducting phase vok. supraleitende Phase, f rus. сверхпроводящая фаза, f pranc. phase supraconductrice, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Superconducting Radio Frequency — (SRF) science and technology involves the application of electrical superconductors to radio frequency devices. The ultra low electrical loss of the superconductor yields RF resonators with extremely high quality factors, or Q . For example, it… …   Wikipedia

  • Superconducting quantum computing — This promising implementation of quantum information involves nanofabricated superconducting electrodes coupled through Josephson junctions. As in a superconducting electrode, the phase and the charge are conjugate variables, there exists three… …   Wikipedia

  • Phase transition — This diagram shows the nomenclature for the different phase transitions. A phase transition is the transformation of a thermodynamic system from one phase or state of matter to another. A phase of a thermodynamic system and the states of matter… …   Wikipedia

  • supraleitende Phase — superlaidžioji fazė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. superconducting phase vok. supraleitende Phase, f rus. сверхпроводящая фаза, f pranc. phase supraconductrice, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Timeline of states of matter and phase transitions — Timeline of states of matter and phase transitions* 1895 Pierre Curie discovers that induced magnetization is proportional to magnetic field strength * 1911 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discloses his research on superconductivity * 1912 Peter Debye… …   Wikipedia

  • Josephson phase — In superconductivity, the Josephson phase is the difference of the phases of the quantum mechanical wave function in two superconducting electrodes forming a Josephson junction.For example, if the macroscopic wave functions Psi 1 and Psi 2 in… …   Wikipedia

  • Chevrel phase — noun A series of molybdenum chalcogenide compounds, of general formula MMoX (where M = a metal and X = a chalcogen), that have superconducting properties …   Wiktionary

  • High-temperature superconductivity — Unsolved problems in physics What causes superconductivity at temperatures above 50 kelvin? High temperature superconductors (abbreviated high Tc or HTS) are materials that have a superconducting transition temperature (Tc) above 30 K… …   Wikipedia

  • Superconductivity — is a phenomenon occurring in certain materials generally at very low temperatures, characterized by exactly zero electrical resistance and the exclusion of the interior magnetic field (the Meissner effect).The electrical resistivity of a metallic …   Wikipedia

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