- superclass
- суперкласс, надкласс Syn : base class (биология) надкласс
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Superclass — may be:* Superclass (book), A book about World governance by David Rothkopf * Superclass (biology), a taxonomic rank intermediate between subphylum and class. * Superclass (computer science), a class from which other classes are derived *… … Wikipedia
superclass — [so͞o′pər klas΄, so͞o΄pərkläs΄] n. a natural subdivision that includes a group of related classes within a zoological phylum or a botanical division … English World dictionary
superclass — 1. noun a) A taxon ranking below a phylum and above a class. b) A high level class that passes attributes and methods down the hierarchy to subclasses. 2. verb To create a superclass of … Wiktionary
superclass — viršklasis statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Objektiniame programavime – ↑klasė, iš kurios paveldėta kita klasė. Jeigu A klasė paveldėta iš B klasės, tai B klasė yra A klasės viršklasis. atitikmenys: angl. base class; superclass ryšiai:… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Superclass (computer science) — In computer science, a superclass is a class from which other classes are derived. A superclass is also called a parent class . The classes that are derived from a superclass are known as child classes , derived classes , or subclasses. We can… … Wikipedia
Superclass (book) — infobox Book name = Superclass orig title = translator = author = David Rothkopf cover artist = country = United States language = English series = classification = fiction genre = Politics, Globalization, Conspiracy publisher = Farrar, Straus… … Wikipedia
Superclass (database theory) — In database design and database theory, class organization is stratified into class hierarchies which use inheritance. Class hierarchies consist of superclasses and subclasses, in which each subclass has a one to many isa relationship with its… … Wikipedia
superclass Agnatha — noun superclass of eel shaped chordates lacking jaws and pelvic fins: lampreys; hagfishes; some extinct forms • Syn: ↑Agnatha • Hypernyms: ↑class • Member Holonyms: ↑Vertebrata, ↑subphylum Vertebrata, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
superclass — noun Date: circa 1891 a category in biological classification ranking below a phylum or division and above a class … New Collegiate Dictionary
Superclass — Наследование один из четырёх важнейших механизмов объектно ориентированного программирования (наряду с инкапсуляцией, полиморфизмом и абстракцией), позволяющий описать новый класс на основе уже существующего (родительского), при этом свойства и… … Википедия
superclass — n. [L. super, over; classis, a division] In classification, above the class and below the phylum … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology