

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "superbasic" в других словарях:

  • SuperBASIC — es un lenguage de alto nivel utilizado en los microordenadores de la familia Sinclair QL a mediados de los años 80 del siglo XX. Constituye una evolución del lenguaje BASIC incorporado hasta el momento en los microordenadores de la marca. Una de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • SuperBASIC — This article is about the SuperBASIC interpreter which was included in Sinclair QDOS. SuperBasic was also the name of Tymshare s unrelated BASIC system. SuperBASIC was an advanced variant of the BASIC programming language with many structured… …   Wikipedia

  • Tymshare SuperBasic — This article is about Tymshare s SuperBASIC system. SuperBasic was also the name of the much later BASIC interpreter from Sinclair Research which was included in Sinclair QDOS. Tymshare SuperBasic was an implementation of a variant of the BASIC… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Sinclair QL software — Cleanup|date=August 2007.This is a list of software titles produced for the Sinclair QL personal computer.Notation: (purpose) by (publisher), first release Utilities *3D Precision by Digital PrecisionA *Abacus (Spreadsheet) by Psion (Sinclair),… …   Wikipedia

  • Sinclair QL — Infobox computer Type = Personal computer Released = Start date|1984|01|12 Photo = Discontinued = April 1986 Processor = Motorola 68008 @ 7.5 MHz Memory = 128 KB (640 KB max.) OS = Sinclair QDOSThe Sinclair QL (for Quantum Leap ), was a personal… …   Wikipedia

  • Sinclair QDOS — QDOS (sometimes written as Qdos in official literature; the name is not regarded as an acronym; also see the identically pronounced word kudos) was the multitasking operating system found on the Sinclair QL personal computer and its clones. It… …   Wikipedia

  • SMSQ/E — is a computer operating system originally developed in France by Tony Tebby, the designer of the original QDOS operating system for the Sinclair QL personal computer. It began life as SMSQ, a QDOS compatible version of SMS2 intended for the… …   Wikipedia

  • List of BASIC dialects by platform — List of BASIC dialects by platform: This is a list of dialects of the BASIC computer programming language, sorted into groups for better conceptual organization.There is also an alphabetical list of BASIC dialects. These two lists should contain… …   Wikipedia

  • Sinclair QDOS — Este artículo trata sobre el sistema operativo de Sinclair QL. Para el predecesor de MS DOS, véase QDOS. QDOS Desarrollador Sinclair Research ? Información general …   Wikipedia Español

  • Loki (computer) — Infobox computer Photo = Type = Home computer Released = Never Discontinued = Processor = Z80 @ 7 MHz and equivalent Memory = 128 KB OS = SuperBASIC variantLoki was the codename for a home computer under development at Sinclair Research during… …   Wikipedia

  • List of BASIC dialects — This article gives an alphabetical list of BASIC dialects mdash;a flat list of interpreted and compiled variants of the BASIC programming language. The dialects platform(s) (that is, the computer models and operating systems) are given in… …   Wikipedia

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