superannuation fund
Смотреть что такое "superannuation fund" в других словарях:
superannuation fund — noun a fund reserved to pay workers pensions when they retire from service • Syn: ↑pension fund • Hypernyms: ↑fund, ↑monetary fund … Useful english dictionary
superannuation fund — /ˌsupərænjuˈeɪʃən fʌnd/ (say .soohpuhranyooh ayshuhn fund) noun a retirement fund to which an employee (and usually also the employer) contributes during the period of employment, and which provides benefits after retirement. Also, provident fund …
New Zealand Superannuation Fund — The New Zealand Superannuation Fund is a sovereign wealth fund in New Zealand. New Zealand currently provides universal superannuation for people over 65 years of age and the purpose of the Fund is to partially pre fund the future cost of the New … Wikipedia
self-managed superannuation fund — noun a superannuation fund, the investment of which is controlled by the holder of the fund. Abbrev.: SMSF …
New Zealand Superannuation Fund — A New Zealand government fund established in response to the projected increase in the cost of funding the New Zealand Superannuation (NZS) the retirement benefit paid to all eligible citizens aged 65 and over due to the country s aging… … Investment dictionary
Superannuation in Australia — Total superannuation industry assets at the end of the financial year 1996 2006 … Wikipedia
Superannuation Complaints Tribunal — The Superannuation Complaints Tribunal is an independent statutory body established by the Australian Government to deal with complaints about superannuation (and certain life insurance annuities). HistoryThe Superannuation Complaints Tribunal… … Wikipedia
fund manager — /ˈfʌnd mænədʒə/ (say fund manuhjuh) noun 1. a commercial organisation that manages investors money for a fee, as by operating a managed fund. 2. someone who manages an investment portfolio for a superannuation fund, pension fund, etc …
superannuation — /ˌsupərænjuˈeɪʃən / (say .soohpuhranyooh ayshuhn) noun 1. the act of superannuating. 2. the state of being superannuated. 3. a pension or allowance to a superannuated person. 4. a sum paid periodically as contribution to a superannuation fund …
superannuation guarantee — /ˌsupərænjuˌeɪʃən gærənˈti/ (say .soohpuhranyooh.ayshuhn garuhn tee) noun the contribution made by an employer into an employee s superannuation fund …
superannuation — ► NOUN ▪ regular payment made into a fund by an employee towards a future pension … English terms dictionary