
веснушка (астрономия) солнечное пятно - *s activity пятнообразовательная деятельность (Солнца) (разговорное) солнечный край (о курортном районе) ;
место, где можно погреться на солнышке

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sunspot" в других словарях:

  • sunspot — 1868, in astronomy, from SUN (Cf. sun) + SPOT (Cf. spot). Earlier “a spot on the skin caused by exposure to the sun” (1818) …   Etymology dictionary

  • sunspot — ► NOUN Astronomy ▪ a temporary darker and cooler patch on the sun s surface, associated with the sun s magnetic field …   English terms dictionary

  • sunspot — [sun′spät΄] n. any of the temporarily cooler regions appearing cyclically as dark spots on the surface of the sun, accompanied by increased geomagnetic disturbances …   English World dictionary

  • Sunspot — A sunspot is a region on the Sun s surface (photosphere) that is marked by intense magnetic activity, which inhibits convection, forming areas of reduced surface temperature. They can be visible from Earth without the aid of a telescope. Although …   Wikipedia

  • Sunspot — In economics, sunspots are extrinsic random variables upon which participants coordinate their decisions. Extrinsic random variables do not affect economic fundamentals directly, but may have an effect on equilibrium outcomes because they… …   Investment dictionary

  • sunspot — sunspotted, adj. sunspottedness, n. /sun spot /, n. one of the relatively dark patches that appear periodically on the surface of the sun and affect terrestrial magnetism and certain other terrestrial phenomena. [1805 15; SUN + SPOT] * * * Cooler …   Universalium

  • sunspot — UK [ˈsʌnˌspɒt] / US [ˈsʌnˌspɑt] noun [countable] Word forms sunspot : singular sunspot plural sunspots 1) science a dark area on the surface of the sun 2) a very sunny place that is popular for holidays …   English dictionary

  • sunspot — /ˈsʌnspɒt / (say sunspot) noun 1. one of the relatively dark patches which appear periodically on the surface of the sun, and which have a certain effect on terrestrial magnetism and other terrestrial phenomena. Their appearance is spasmodic but… …  

  • Sunspot — Tache solaire Taches solaires Une tache solaire (anglais : sunspot) est une région sur la surface du Soleil (photosphère) qui est marquée par une température inférieure à son environnement et a une intense activité magnétique, qui inhibe la …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sunspot — Saulės dėmė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. sunspot vok. Sonnenfleck, m rus. солнечное пятно, n pranc. tache solaire, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • sunspot maximum — sunspot maximum, the period during the sunspot cycle in which sunspots are most frequent …   Useful english dictionary

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