Смотреть что такое "sunfish" в других словарях:
Sunfish — Équipage 1 personne Gréement Cat boat à voile latine Débuts 1951 Longueur hors tout 4,2 m hors tout Maître … Wikipédia en Français
Sunfish — or sun fish may refer to: *Sunfish (sailboat), an International Sunfish Class sailing dinghyIn saltwater fishes: *Ocean sunfish or Mola mola *Opah, family Lampridae; two speciesIn freshwater fishes: * Pygmy sunfish * Centrarchidae, a family of… … Wikipedia
Sunfish — Sun fish , n. (Zo[ o]l.) (a) A very large oceanic plectognath fish ({Mola mola}, {Mola rotunda}, or {Orthagoriscus mola}) having a broad body and a truncated tail. (b) Any one of numerous species of perch like North American fresh water fishes of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sunfish — sunfish·er; sunfish; Sunfish; … English syllables
sunfish — [sun′fish΄] n. pl. sunfish or sunfishes (see FISH) ☆ 1. any of a large family (Centrarchidae) of North American, percoid, freshwater fishes, including the bluegill and black bass 2. OCEAN SUNFISH … English World dictionary
sunfish — 1629, from SUN (Cf. sun) (n.) + FISH (Cf. fish). Used of various species, with ref. to round shape or brilliant appearance. Short form sunny is attested from 1835 … Etymology dictionary
sunfish — ► NOUN ▪ a large, short tailed sea fish with tall dorsal and anal fins near the rear of the body … English terms dictionary
Sunfish — Especificaciones bajo las reglas actuales Número de tripulantes 1 Eslora 4200 mm 13 pies 9 pulgadas Manga 1200 mm 4 pies 1 pulgada Peso 59 kg Superficie vélica 7 m² 75 pies. sq … Wikipedia Español
sunfish — /sun fish /, n., pl. (esp. collectively) sunfish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) sunfishes. 1. the ocean sunfish, Mola mola. 2. any of various other fishes of the family Molidae. 3. any of several small, brightly colored, spiny… … Universalium
sunfish — UK [ˈsʌnˌfɪʃ] / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms sunfish : singular sunfish plural sunfish a fish with a large round body and a short tail … English dictionary
sunfish — /ˈsʌnfɪʃ / (say sunfish) noun (plural sunfish or sunfishes) 1. a huge fish, the ocean sunfish, Mola mola, found in Australian waters and elsewhere, having a deep body abbreviated behind, seeming to consist of little more than the head. 2. any… …