Смотреть что такое "sundew" в других словарях:
Sundew — Sun dew , n. (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Drosera, low bog plants whose leaves are beset with pediceled glands which secrete a viscid fluid that glitters like dewdrops and attracts and detains insects. After an insect is caught, the glands curve … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sundew — ► NOUN ▪ a small carnivorous plant of boggy places, with leaves bearing sticky hairs for trapping insects … English terms dictionary
sundew — [sun′do͞o΄, sun′dyo͞o΄] n. [transl. of ML ros solis < L ros, dew (see RACE1) + solis, gen. of sol,SUN1] DROSERA adj. designating a family (Droseraceae, order Nepenthales) of dicotyledonous plants, including the Venus flytrap … English World dictionary
Sundew — Taxobox name = Drosera image width = 250px image caption = Drosera tokaiensis regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Caryophyllales familia = Droseraceae genus = Drosera genus authority = L. subdivision ranks =… … Wikipedia
sundew — /sun dooh , dyooh /, n. any of several small, carnivorous bog plants of the genus Drosera, having sticky hairs that trap insects. Also called dew plant, rosa solis. [1570 80; < D sondauw (cf. G Sonnentau), trans. of L ros solis dew of the sun] *… … Universalium
sundew — noun Date: 1578 any of a genus (Drosera of the family Droseraceae, the sundew family) of bog inhabiting insectivorous herbs having leaves covered with gland tipped adhesive hairs … New Collegiate Dictionary
Sundew (dragline) — Sundew was a large electrically powered dragline excavator used in mining operations in Rutland and Northamptonshire in the United Kingdom.Built by Ransomes Rapier and named after the 1957 Grand National winner, it began work in a Rutland iron… … Wikipedia
sundew plant — noun any of various bog plants of the genus Drosera having leaves covered with sticky hairs that trap and digest insects; cosmopolitan in distribution • Syn: ↑sundew, ↑daily dew • Hypernyms: ↑carnivorous plant • Member Holonyms: ↑Drosera, ↑genu … Useful english dictionary
sundew — noun Any of a group of insectivorous plants that catch insects by sticky droplets ( dew ) at the end of hairs on the leafs. Most of these plants belong to the genus Drosera: these grow in boggy ground all over the world … Wiktionary
sundew — noun a small carnivorous plant of boggy places, with leaves bearing sticky hairs for trapping insects. [Genus Drosera: several species.] … English new terms dictionary
sundew — sun•dew [[t]ˈsʌnˌdu, ˌdyu[/t]] n. pln any of several small bog or aquatic plants, esp. of the genus Drosera[/ex] • Etymology: 1570–80 … From formal English to slang