Смотреть что такое "sun-glasses" в других словарях:
SUN-GLASSES — … Useful english dictionary
sun — n. & v. n. 1 a the star round which the earth orbits and from which it receives light and warmth. b any similar star in the universe with or without planets. 2 the light or warmth received from the sun (pull down the blinds and keep out the sun) … Useful english dictionary
Sun — n. & v. n. 1 a the star round which the earth orbits and from which it receives light and warmth. b any similar star in the universe with or without planets. 2 the light or warmth received from the sun (pull down the blinds and keep out the sun) … Useful english dictionary
Glasses — Glasses, also called eyeglasses or spectacles, are frames bearing lenses worn in front of the eyes, normally for vision correction, eye protection, or for protection from UV rays.Modern glasses are typically supported by pads on the bridge of the … Wikipedia
Glasses (song) — Glasses is an experimental musical piece by Paul McCartney. It was released on his first solo album McCartney. It is played by Paul and Linda running their fingers around the rims of crystal glasses in the key of B major. It contains a small… … Wikipedia
Glasses Malone — (eigentlich Charles Penniman) ist ein US amerikanischer Rapper aus Los Angeles, Kalifornien. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Werdegang 2 Diskografie 2.1 Alben 2.2 … Deutsch Wikipedia
glasses — n. spectacles 1) dark, sun; reading glasses binoculars 2) field; opera glasses misc. 3) to see life through rose colored glasses ( to see only the good in life ) * * * opera glasses reading glasses sun [ binoculars ] field [ spectacles ] dark [… … Combinatory dictionary
glasses — Synonyms and related words: Polaroid glasses, bifocals, blinkers, cheaters, colored glasses, contact lens, dark glasses, divided spectacles, eyeglass, eyeglasses, goggles, granny glasses, harlequin glasses, horn rimmed glasses, lorgnette, lorgnon … Moby Thesaurus
sun·glass·es — /ˈsʌnˌglæsəz, Brit ˈsʌnˌglɑːsəz/ noun [plural] : glasses with dark lenses that protect the eyes from the sun a pair of sunglasses called also (informal) shades … Useful english dictionary
Hot as Sun — is an instrumental penned by Paul McCartney and included on his 1970 album McCartney coupled with the non song Glasses (which also contained a snippet of Suicide , another unreleased Paul McCartney tune). In that album s press release, Paul… … Wikipedia
That Guy with the Glasses — The Nostalgia Critic, Doug Walker Genre Reviews, satire, physical comedy Created by Mi … Wikipedia