- sun porch
1) застекленная терраса, застекленный балкон
2) солярий, солнечная площадка (напр. для выгула домашних животных)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
sun porch — sun′ porch n. archit. a windowed porch having more window than wall area, intended to receive large amounts of sunlight • Etymology: 1915–20, amer … From formal English to slang
sun porch — n AmE a room with large windows and often a glass roof, designed to let in lots of light British Equivalent: sun lounge … Dictionary of contemporary English
sun porch — noun a room enclosed largely with glass and affording exposure to the sun • Syn: ↑sun parlor, ↑sun parlour, ↑sunporch, ↑sunroom, ↑sun lounge, ↑solarium • Hypernyms: ↑room * * * … Useful english dictionary
sun porch — 1. a windowed porch or porchlike room having more window than wall area, intended to receive large amounts of sunlight. 2. an open pen, raised above the ground, for giving poultry light and air under sanitary conditions. [1915 20, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
sun porch — tanning porch, balcony that receives a lot of sunlight … English contemporary dictionary
sun porch — AmE noun (C) a room with large windows and often a glass roof, designed to let in lots of light; sun lounge BrE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
sun parlor — sun′ par lor n. archit. a room or porch with many large windows exposed to sunshine; sun porch; solarium Also called sunroom … From formal English to slang
sun parlor — ☆ sun parlor or sun porch n. a sitting room (or an enclosed porch) with large windows to let sunlight in freely … English World dictionary
porch — [pôrch] n. [ME porche < OFr < L porticus < porta, gate, entrance, passage: see PORT5] 1. a covered entrance to a building, usually projecting from the wall and having a separate roof 2. an open or enclosed gallery or room on the outside… … English World dictionary
sun lounge — n BrE a room with large windows and often a glass roof, designed to let in a lot of light American Equivalent: sun porch … Dictionary of contemporary English
sun parlor — noun a room enclosed largely with glass and affording exposure to the sun • Syn: ↑sun parlour, ↑sun porch, ↑sunporch, ↑sunroom, ↑sun lounge, ↑solarium • Hypernyms: ↑room * * * … Useful english dictionary