summit talks
Смотреть что такое "summit talks" в других словарях:
summit talks — summit conference, summit talks or summit meeting noun 1. A conference between heads of states 2. Sometimes extended to mean a conference between heads of lesser organizations • • • Main Entry: ↑summit … Useful english dictionary
summit conference — summit conference, summit talks or summit meeting noun 1. A conference between heads of states 2. Sometimes extended to mean a conference between heads of lesser organizations • • • Main Entry: ↑summit * * * summit meeting or summit conference … Useful english dictionary
summit — summital, adj. summitless, adj. /sum it/, n. 1. the highest point or part, as of a hill, a line of travel, or any object; top; apex. 2. the highest point of attainment or aspiration: the summit of one s ambition. 3. the highest state or degree. 4 … Universalium
summit meeting — noun a meeting of heads of governments • Syn: ↑summit • Hypernyms: ↑meeting, ↑group meeting * * * 1. a meeting or conference of heads of state, esp. to conduct diplomatic negotiations and ease international tensions. 2. any meeting or conference… … Useful english dictionary
summit — noun 1 top of a mountain ADJECTIVE ▪ high ▪ Maroon Peak is the highest summit in its group. ▪ very (esp. BrE) ▪ rocky, snow capped ▪ … Collocations dictionary
summit, peak, top — Each of these words refers to the highest point of something, with top being the term in widest use (the top of the hill, the top of the house). Peak means a pointed extremity, the pointed top of a hill or mountain (peak of a roof, peak of a cap … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
summit — n. 1 the highest point, esp. of a mountain; the apex. 2 the highest degree of power, ambition, etc. 3 (in full summit meeting, talks , etc.) a discussion, esp. on disarmament etc., between heads of government. Derivatives: summitless adj.… … Useful english dictionary
Inter-Korean Summit — Korean name Chosŏn gŭl 남북정상회담 Hancha 南北頂上會談 … Wikipedia
4th Summit of the Americas — logo Summit details Host country … Wikipedia
Mar del Plata Summit of the Americas — The seaside resort of Mar del Plata, in the province|Buenos Aires|Argentina, about 400 km (250 miles) southeast of the capital, was the venue of the Fourth Summit of the Americas between 4 November and 5 November, 2005. The summit gathered… … Wikipedia
31st G8 summit — Infobox G8 summit name = 31st G8 summit year = 2005 caption = 31rst G8 Summit official logo country = United Kingdom dates = July 6 – July 8, The 31st G8 summit was held from July 6 to July 8 2005 at the Gleneagles Hotel in Auchterarder, Perth… … Wikipedia