sumac, sumach
Смотреть что такое "sumac, sumach" в других словарях:
Sumach — Sumac Su mac, Sumach Su mach, n. [F. sumac, formerly sumach (cf. Sp. zumaque), fr. Ar. summ[=a]q.] [Written also {shumac}.] 1. (Bot.) Any plant of the genus {Rhus}, shrubs or small trees with usually compound leaves and clusters of small flowers … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sumac — Su mac, Sumach Su mach, n. [F. sumac, formerly sumach (cf. Sp. zumaque), fr. Ar. summ[=a]q.] [Written also {shumac}.] 1. (Bot.) Any plant of the genus {Rhus}, shrubs or small trees with usually compound leaves and clusters of small flowers. Some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sumac — or sumach [so͞o′mak΄, sho͞o′mak΄] n. [ME sumac < MFr < Ar summāq] 1. any of various shrubs and small trees (genus Rhus) of the cashew family, including poison sumac and several nonpoisonous plants 2. the pulverized dried leaves of some of… … English World dictionary
sumac — c.1300, preparation of dried, chopped leaves of a plant of the genus Rhus (used in tanning and dyeing and as an astringent), from O.Fr. sumac (13c.), from M.L. sumach, from Arabic summaq, from Syrian summaq red. Later applied to N.Amer. species … Etymology dictionary
Sumach (Sumach-Rhus) — Rhus Giftefeu (Rhus radicans), Illustration Systematik Abteilung: Bedeckts … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sumac — taxobox name = Sumac image caption = Sumac fruit in fall regnum = Plantae unranked divisio = Angiosperms unranked classis = Eudicots unranked ordo = Rosids ordo = Sapindales familia = Anacardiaceae genus = Rhus genus authority = L. subdivision… … Wikipedia
sumac des corroyeurs — sicilinis žagrenis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Anakardinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, prieskoninis, vaistinis augalas (Rhus coriaria), paplitęs šiaurės Afrikoje, pietvakarių Azijoje ir pietų Europoje. Iš jo gaminami maisto priedai… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
sumach — noun a shrub or tree of the genus Rhus (usually limited to the non poisonous members of the genus) • Syn: ↑sumac, ↑shumac • Hypernyms: ↑shrub, ↑bush • Hyponyms: ↑fragrant sumac, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
sumac — /sooh mak, shooh /, n. 1. any of several shrubs or small trees belonging to the genus Rhus of the cashew family, having milky sap, compound leaves, and small, fleshy fruit. 2. a preparation of the dried and powdered leaves, bark, etc., of certain … Universalium
sumac — (su mak) s. m. 1° Genre de la famille des térébinthacées ; on y distingue : le sumac des corroyeurs, rhus coriaria, L. arbrisseau de l Europe méridionale ; le sumac vénéneux, rhus toxicodendrum, L. arbrisseau de l Amérique ; et le sumac au… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
sumac — [ su:mak, ʃu: ] (also sumach) noun 1》 a shrub or small tree with compound leaves, conical clusters of fruits, and bright autumn colours. [Genera Rhus and Cotinus: several species.] 2》 the fruits of the Mediterranean sumac, used as a spice in… … English new terms dictionary