- sulpha drug
- брит. лекарственный сульфамидный препарат
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
sulpha drug — /ˈsʌlfə drʌg/ (say sulfuh drug) noun one of a group of compounds containing the radical SO2NH2, used for their antibacterial properties in treatment of various diseases, wounds, burns, etc. Also, sulpha, sulfa drug, sulfa …
sulpha drug — see sulphonamide … Medical dictionary
sulpha drug — see sulphonamide … The new mediacal dictionary
sulpha — n. (US sulfa) any drug derived from sulphanilamide (often attrib.: sulpha drug). Etymology: abbr … Useful english dictionary
sulpha — n. sulpha drug, any of a group of synthetic organic compounds which inhibit bacterial growth … English contemporary dictionary
Сульфапрепарат (Sulpha Drug) — см. Сульфамид. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
drug — n. 1) to administer; prescribe a drug 2) to take a drug 3) a mild; powerful, strong; weak drug 4) a generic; habit forming; miracle, wonder; non addictive; nonprescription, over the counter; prescription; proprietary; sulfa (AE), sulpha (BE);… … Combinatory dictionary
Pharmaceutical drug — Medication redirects here. For other uses, see Medication (disambiguation). Medicines redirects here. For other uses, see Medicine (disambiguation). A pharmaceutical drug, also referred to as medicine, medication or medicament, can be loosely… … Wikipedia
antibacterial drug — noun any drug that destroys bacteria or inhibits their growth • Syn: ↑antibacterial, ↑bactericide • Derivationally related forms: ↑bactericidal (for: ↑bactericide) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
sulfa drug — noun antibacterial consisting of any of several synthetic organic compounds capable of inhibiting the growth of bacteria that require PABA • Syn: ↑sulfa, ↑sulpha, ↑sulfonamide • Hypernyms: ↑antibacterial, ↑antibacterial drug, ↑bactericide … Useful english dictionary
sulphonamide — (sulpha drug) n. one of a group of drugs, derived from sulphanilamide (a red dye), that prevent the growth of bacteria (i.e. they are bacteriostatic). Sulphonamides are usually given by mouth and are effective against a variety of infections.… … Medical dictionary