sulky rake
Смотреть что такое "sulky rake" в других словарях:
Sulky — Sulk y, n.; pl. {Sulkies}. [From {Sulky}, a.; so called from the owner s desire of riding alone.] A light two wheeled carriage for a single person. [1913 Webster] Note: Sulky is used adjectively in the names of several agricultural machines drawn … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sulkies — Sulky Sulk y, n.; pl. {Sulkies}. [From {Sulky}, a.; so called from the owner s desire of riding alone.] A light two wheeled carriage for a single person. [1913 Webster] Note: Sulky is used adjectively in the names of several agricultural machines … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Reynolds-Alberta Museum — The Reynolds Alberta Museum, in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada, one of 18 provincially owned and operated historic sites and museums, honours the spirit of the machine . It traces the mechanisation of Alberta s transportation, aviation, agricultural … Wikipedia
farm machinery — Synonyms and related words: all crop harvester, baler, bean harvester, beet harvester, binder, breaker, cast plow, combine, cotton picker, cultivator, disk, disk harrow, disk plow, drag, drill, drill plow, four bottom plow, gang plow, grain… … Moby Thesaurus
machinery — Synonyms and related words: accouterments, action, adding machine, addressing machine, agency, agent, all crop harvester, apparatus, appliance, appliances, appointments, appurtenances, armament, automobile, backhoe, baler, bean harvester, beet… … Moby Thesaurus
plow — Synonyms and related words: all crop harvester, backset, baler, bank, bean harvester, beet harvester, binder, break, breaker, canal, canalize, carve, cast plow, chamfer, channel, chisel, combine, corrugate, cotton picker, crab, crack, crimp,… … Moby Thesaurus