sulfur content
Смотреть что такое "sulfur content" в других словарях:
sulfur content — Sulfur in crude naturally distributes itself throughout the range of the crude’s hydrocarbon molecules. However, the residual oil and coke usually attract a disproportionately higher Sulfur percent. Also, as most low sulfur crudes become extinct … Petroleum refining glossary
content — con‧tent [ˈkɒntent ǁ ˈkɑːn ] noun 1. contents [plural] the things that are inside a bag, box, room etc: • The contents of the suitcase were seized by the police. 2. contents [plural] the things that are written in a letter, document, book etc: •… … Financial and business terms
Sulfur — This article is about the chemical element. For other uses, see Sulfur (disambiguation). phosphorus ← sulfur → chlorine … Wikipedia
sulfur — /sul feuhr/, n. 1. Also, esp. Brit., sulphur. Chem. a nonmetallic element that exists in several forms, the ordinary one being a yellow rhombic crystalline solid, and that burns with a blue flame and a suffocating odor: used esp. in making… … Universalium
Sulfur — A yellowish nonmetallic element, sometimes known as brimstone. It is present at various levels of concentration in many fossil fuels whose combustion releases sulfur compounds that are considered harmful to the environment. Some of the most… … Energy terms
content — 1. That which is contained within something else, usually in this sense in the plural form, contents. 2. In psychology, the form of a dream as presented to consciousness. 3. Ambiguous usage for concentration (3); e.g., blood hemoglobin c. could … Medical dictionary
Sulfur mustard — Sulfur mustard … Wikipedia
Sulfur assimilation — Sulfate reduction and assimilation in plants (APS, adenosine 5 phosphosulfate; Fdred, Fdox, reduced and oxidized ferredoxin; RSH, RSSR, reduced and oxidized glutathione)|right|325pxSulfur is an essential element for growth and physiological… … Wikipedia
Sulfur — Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
content — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 contents things inside sth VERB + CONTENTS ▪ dump, empty, pour, spill ▪ She emptied the contents of her bag on the floor 2 subject matter ADJECTIVE … Collocations dictionary
sulfur — noun Sulfur is used before these nouns: ↑content, ↑emission … Collocations dictionary