sugar-coat — ˈsugar coat f5 [sugar coat] verb sugar coat sth to do sth that makes an unpleasant situation seem less unpleasant • There s no way of sugar coating it the report predicts a grim future for the industry … Useful english dictionary
sugar the pill — To compensate somewhat for an unpleasant prospect, unwelcome imposition, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑sugar * * * sweeten/sugar the pill phrase to make something unpleasant easier to accept To sweeten the pill, the company will introduce a range of new … Useful english dictionary
sugar — 1. noun /ˈʃʊɡə(ɹ),ˈʃʊɡɚ/ a) Sucrose in the form of small crystals, obtained from sugar cane or sugar beet and used to sweeten food and drink. He usually has his coffee white with one sugar. b) When used to sweeten drink, an amount of such… … Wiktionary
sugar-coated — adjective superficially attractive or excessively sentimental. Derivatives sugar coat verb … English new terms dictionary
Coat of arms of Barbados — Details Armiger Elizabeth II, Queen of Barbados Supporters Dolphin … Wikipedia
Coat of arms of Quebec — Details Armiger Elizabeth II in Right of Quebec Adopted 1939 … Wikipedia
Coat of arms of Guyana — Versions … Wikipedia
Coat of arms of Sint Eustatius — The coat of arms of Sint Eustatius consists of a shield and the motto. It was established on 9 November 2004 by the Island council of Sint Eustatius when it was still part of the Netherlands Antilles, and remained valid as the coat of arms of the … Wikipedia
Coat of arms of Saint Kitts and Nevis — Versions … Wikipedia
sugar — ► NOUN 1) a sweet crystalline substance obtained especially from sugar cane and sugar beet. 2) Biochemistry any of the class of soluble crystalline sweet tasting carbohydrates, including sucrose and glucose. 3) informal, chiefly N. Amer. used as… … English terms dictionary
Coat of arms of Mauritius — The coat of arms of Mauritius are stipulated in the Mauritius Laws 1990 Vol.2 SCHEDULE (Section 2) . The arms were designed by the Lord Mayor of Johannesburg in 1906, Johann Van Der Puf. In the lower right quarter is a key and on the left hand… … Wikipedia