suction force
Смотреть что такое "suction force" в других словарях:
suction force — noun or suction pressure or suction tension : diffusion pressure deficit … Useful english dictionary
suction — [suk′shən] n. [L suctio < suctus, pp. of sugere, to SUCK] 1. the act or process of sucking 2. the production of a vacuum or partial vacuum in a cavity or over a surface so that the external atmospheric pressure forces the surrounding fluid,… … English World dictionary
suction pressure — noun see suction force … Useful english dictionary
suction tension — noun see suction force … Useful english dictionary
Suction convention — Suction is a bridge convention used for intervention over an opponent s 1NT opening.When suction is agreed, a suit overcall of a 1NT opening is conventional and denies the suit actually bid. It shows either (1) a one suiter in the next higher… … Wikipedia
Suction filtration — is a method of filtration which allows for a greater rate of filtration. Whereas in normal filtration gravity provides the force which draws the liquid through the filter paper, in suction filtration a pressure gradient performs this function.… … Wikipedia
suction — ► NOUN ▪ the production of a partial vacuum by the removal of air in order to force fluid into a vacant space or produce adhesion. ► VERB ▪ remove using suction. ORIGIN Latin, from sugere suck … English terms dictionary
suction — The act or process of sucking. SEE ALSO: aspiration (1), aspiration (2). [L. sugo, pp. suctus, to suck] posttussive s. a s. sound heard on auscultation over a pulmonary cavity at the end of a cough. Wangensteen s. a modified … Medical dictionary
suction — I. noun Etymology: Late Latin suction , suctio, from Latin sugere to suck more at suck Date: 1626 1. the act or process of sucking 2. a. the act or process of exerting a force upon a solid, liquid, or gaseous body by reason of reduced air… … New Collegiate Dictionary
suction — n. 1 the act or an instance of sucking. 2 a the production of a partial vacuum by the removal of air etc. in order to force in liquid etc. or procure adhesion. b the force produced by this process (suction keeps the lid on). Phrases and idioms:… … Useful english dictionary
suction — suctional, adj. /suk sheuhn/, n. 1. the act, process, or condition of sucking. 2. the force that, by a pressure differential, attracts a substance or object to the region of lower pressure. 3. the act or process of producing such a force. v.t. 4 … Universalium