suction casting
Смотреть что такое "suction casting" в других словарях:
vacuum suction casting — Смотри литье вакуумным всасыванием … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
David Turnbull (materials scientist) — For other people named David Turnbull, see David Turnbull (disambiguation). David Turnbull (February 18, 1915 April 28, 2007) was an American physical chemist who worked in the interdisciplinary fields of materials science and applied physics.… … Wikipedia
литье вакуумным всасыванием — [vacuum suction casting] процесс изготовления отливок, при котором металл заполняет форму из за создаваемого в ней разрежения (рис.). Расплав при литье вакуумным всасыванием может кристаллизоваться при атмосферном или повышенном давлении, а также … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
printing — /prin ting/, n. 1. the art, process, or business of producing books, newspapers, etc., by impression from movable types, plates, etc. 2. the act of a person or thing that prints. 3. words, symbols, etc., in printed form. 4. printed material. 5.… … Universalium
harbours and sea works — Introduction harbour also spelled harbor any part of a body of water and the manmade structures surrounding it that sufficiently shelters a vessel from wind, waves, and currents, enabling safe anchorage or the discharge and loading of… … Universalium
Cylinder head porting — refers to the process of modifying the intake and exhaust ports of an internal combustion engine to improve the quality and quantity of the air flow. Cylinder heads, as manufactured, are usually suboptimal due to design and manufacturing… … Wikipedia
List of inventors — This is a list of inventors. See also: List of scientists, Timeline of invention, List of inventions named after people, List of inventors killed by their own inventions, and . Alphabetical list compactTOC NOTOC A * Vitaly Mikhaylovich Abalakov,… … Wikipedia
Timeline of Islamic science and engineering — This timeline of Islamic science and engineering covers the general development of science and technology in the Islamic world during the Islamic Golden Age, usually dated from the 7th to 16th centuries.From the 17th century onwards, the advances … Wikipedia
art conservation and restoration — Maintenance and preservation of works of art, their protection from future damage, deterioration, or neglect, and the repair or renovation of works that have deteriorated or been damaged. Research in art history has relied heavily on 20th and… … Universalium
metallurgy — metallurgic, metallurgical, adj. metallurgically, adv. metallurgist /met l err jist/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jist/, n. /met l err jee/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jee/, n. 1. the technique or science of working or heating metals so as… … Universalium
Scroll compressor — A scroll compressor (also called spiral compressor , scroll pump and scroll vacuum pump) is a device for compressing air or refrigerant. It is used in air conditioning equipment, as an automobile supercharger (where it is known as a scroll type… … Wikipedia