Смотреть что такое "sucking-bottle" в других словарях:
Sucking bottle — Sucking Suck ing, a. Drawing milk from the mother or dam; hence, colloquially, young, inexperienced, as, a sucking infant; a sucking calf. [1913 Webster] I suppose you are a young barrister, sucking lawyer, or that sort of thing. Thackeray. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sucking bottle — noun A milk bottle for infants • • • Main Entry: ↑suck … Useful english dictionary
sucking-bottle — … Useful english dictionary
Sucking — Suck ing, a. Drawing milk from the mother or dam; hence, colloquially, young, inexperienced, as, a sucking infant; a sucking calf. [1913 Webster] I suppose you are a young barrister, sucking lawyer, or that sort of thing. Thackeray. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sucking fish — Sucking Suck ing, a. Drawing milk from the mother or dam; hence, colloquially, young, inexperienced, as, a sucking infant; a sucking calf. [1913 Webster] I suppose you are a young barrister, sucking lawyer, or that sort of thing. Thackeray. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sucking pump — Sucking Suck ing, a. Drawing milk from the mother or dam; hence, colloquially, young, inexperienced, as, a sucking infant; a sucking calf. [1913 Webster] I suppose you are a young barrister, sucking lawyer, or that sort of thing. Thackeray. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sucking stomach — Sucking Suck ing, a. Drawing milk from the mother or dam; hence, colloquially, young, inexperienced, as, a sucking infant; a sucking calf. [1913 Webster] I suppose you are a young barrister, sucking lawyer, or that sort of thing. Thackeray. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bottle-feed — bottle feeds, bottle feeding, bottle fed VERB If you bottle feed a baby, you give it milk or a liquid like milk in a bottle rather than the baby sucking milk from its mother s breasts. [V n] New fathers love bottle feeding their babies. [V ed] … English dictionary
The Bottle Deposit (Seinfeld) — Infobox Television episode Title = The Bottle Deposit Series = Seinfeld Caption = Newman drinking so that he can trade in the bottles for a deposit. Season = 7 Episode = 131 132 Airdate = May 2, 1996 Production = Writer = Gregg Kavet Andy Robin… … Wikipedia
Siphon bottle — Siphon Si phon, n. [F. siphon, L. sipho, onis, fr. Gr. ??? a siphon, tube, pipe.] 1. A device, consisting of a pipe or tube bent so as to form two branches or legs of unequal length, by which a liquid can be transferred to a lower level, as from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nutsch filter — ˈnüch noun or nutsch ( es) Usage: sometimes capitalized N Etymology: German nutsch, nutsche, literally, sucking bottle, from nutschen to suck, of imitative origin : a filter of a simple type adapted to batch operation; especially … Useful english dictionary