
ˈsʌtʃənsʌtʃ прил. такой-то такой-то - to go to * town поехать в такой-то город - to pay * sum to * person заплатить такую-то сумму такому-то человеку such-and-such такой-то

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "such-and-such" в других словарях:

  • Such — Such, a. [OE. such, sich, sech, sik, swich, swilch, swulch, swilc, swulc, AS. swelc, swilc, swylc; akin to OFries. selik, D. zulk, OS. sulic, OHG. sulih, solih, G. solch, Icel. sl[=i]kr, OSw. salik, Sw. slik, Dan. slig, Goth. swaleiks; originally …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Such and such — Such Such, a. [OE. such, sich, sech, sik, swich, swilch, swulch, swilc, swulc, AS. swelc, swilc, swylc; akin to OFries. selik, D. zulk, OS. sulic, OHG. sulih, solih, G. solch, Icel. sl[=i]kr, OSw. salik, Sw. slik, Dan. slig, Goth. swaleiks;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Such character — Such Such, a. [OE. such, sich, sech, sik, swich, swilch, swulch, swilc, swulc, AS. swelc, swilc, swylc; akin to OFries. selik, D. zulk, OS. sulic, OHG. sulih, solih, G. solch, Icel. sl[=i]kr, OSw. salik, Sw. slik, Dan. slig, Goth. swaleiks;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Such like — Such Such, a. [OE. such, sich, sech, sik, swich, swilch, swulch, swilc, swulc, AS. swelc, swilc, swylc; akin to OFries. selik, D. zulk, OS. sulic, OHG. sulih, solih, G. solch, Icel. sl[=i]kr, OSw. salik, Sw. slik, Dan. slig, Goth. swaleiks;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Such or such — Such Such, a. [OE. such, sich, sech, sik, swich, swilch, swulch, swilc, swulc, AS. swelc, swilc, swylc; akin to OFries. selik, D. zulk, OS. sulic, OHG. sulih, solih, G. solch, Icel. sl[=i]kr, OSw. salik, Sw. slik, Dan. slig, Goth. swaleiks;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • such and such — {pron.} Something whose name is not mentioned because it does not need to be mentioned. * /George s argument tries to prove such and such to be true, but it does not convince me./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • such and such — {pron.} Something whose name is not mentioned because it does not need to be mentioned. * /George s argument tries to prove such and such to be true, but it does not convince me./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • And Now for Something Completely Different — DVD cover Directed by Ian MacNaughton Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • And did those feet in ancient time — is a short poem by William Blake from the preface to his epic Milton a Poem, one of a collection of writings known as the Prophetic Books. The date on the title page of 1804 for Milton is probably when the plates were begun, but the poem was… …   Wikipedia

  • such as it is — Just as it appears or is presented, not being any better or worse than most others of its kind; being average or mediocre. * /This pie, such as it is, is the best I can make./ * /Jane told her grandmother her grades, such as they were./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • such as it is — Just as it appears or is presented, not being any better or worse than most others of its kind; being average or mediocre. * /This pie, such as it is, is the best I can make./ * /Jane told her grandmother her grades, such as they were./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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