successive permutations

successive permutations
мат. последовательные перестановки

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "successive permutations" в других словарях:

  • Permutation — For other uses, see Permutation (disambiguation). The 6 permutations of 3 balls In mathematics, the notion of permutation is used with several slightly different meanings, all related to the act of permuting (rearranging) objects or values.… …   Wikipedia

  • Twelvefold way — In combinatorics, the twelvefold way is a name given to a systematic classification of 12 related enumerative problems concerning two finite sets, which include the classical problems of counting permutations, combinations, multisets, and… …   Wikipedia

  • algebra — /al jeuh breuh/, n. 1. the branch of mathematics that deals with general statements of relations, utilizing letters and other symbols to represent specific sets of numbers, values, vectors, etc., in the description of such relations. 2. any of… …   Universalium

  • Cyclic number — This article is about numbers where permutations of their digits (in some base) yield related numbers. For the number theoretic concept, see cyclic number (group theory). A summary of this article appears in Repeating decimal. A cyclic number is… …   Wikipedia

  • mathematics — /math euh mat iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mathematical procedures,… …   Universalium

  • Catalan number — For names of numbers in Catalan, see List of numbers in various languages#Occitano Romance. In combinatorial mathematics, the Catalan numbers form a sequence of natural numbers that occur in various counting problems, often involving recursively… …   Wikipedia

  • Rubik's Cube — Other names Magic Cube …   Wikipedia

  • Bernoulli number — In mathematics, the Bernoulli numbers Bn are a sequence of rational numbers with deep connections to number theory. They are closely related to the values of the Riemann zeta function at negative integers. There are several conventions for… …   Wikipedia

  • Orders of magnitude (numbers) — The logarithmic scale can compactly represent the relationship among variously sized numbers. This list contains selected positive numbers in increasing order, including counts of things, dimensionless quantity and probabilities. Each number is… …   Wikipedia

  • Secondary surveillance radar — SSR antenna of Deutsche Flugsicherung at Neubrandenburg, in Mecklenburg/Western Pomerania Secondary surveillance radar (SSR)[1] is a radar system used in air traffic control (ATC), that not only detects an …   Wikipedia

  • Europe, history of — Introduction       history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… …   Universalium

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