

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "subsumes" в других словарях:

  • subsumes — sub·sume || sÉ™b suːm / sjuːm v. include something within a larger and more comprehensive group …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Liste des publications d'Emmy Noether — Emmy Noether (1882 1935) est une mathématicienne allemande spécialiste de l algèbre. Cet article est une liste des publications qui ont fait sa renommée. Sommaire 1 Première époque (1908–1919) 2 Deuxième époque (1920–1926) 3 Troisiè …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Objectivist epistemology — Objectivism s epistemology, like the other branches of Objectivism, was present in some form ever since the publication of Atlas Shrugged . However, it was most fully explained in Rand s 1967 work Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology . Rand… …   Wikipedia

  • Demarcation problem — The demarcation problem (or boundary problem[1]) in the philosophy of science is about how and where to draw the lines around science. The boundaries are commonly drawn between science and non science, between science and pseudoscience, between… …   Wikipedia

  • Kala Lagaw Ya — Infobox Language name=Kala Lagaw Ya/Kalau Kawau Ya/Kulkalgau Ya/Kawalgau Ya Lagau Ya region=Western and Central Torres Strait Islands, Queensland speakers=3000–4000 familycolor=Australian fam1=Pama Nyungan iso3=mwpKala Lagaw Ya (correctly Kalaw… …   Wikipedia

  • Pearson distribution — The Pearson distribution is a family of continuous probability distributions. It was first published by Karl Pearson in 1895 and subsequently extended by him in 1901 and 1916 in a series of articles on biostatistics. History The Pearson system… …   Wikipedia

  • Modular decomposition — In graph theory, the modular decomposition is a decomposition of an undirected graph into subsets of vertices called modules. A module is a generalization of a connected component of a graph. Unlike connected components, however, one module can… …   Wikipedia

  • Talmudical Hermeneutics — (Hebrew: approximately, מידות שהתורה נדרשת בהן) refers to the science which defines the rules and methods for the investigation and exact determination of the meaning of the Scriptures, both legal and historical. Since the Halakah, however, is… …   Wikipedia

  • Buddhist logic — This article presents the formal background to Buddhist logic which started at about 500 CE in ancient India and still has a living tradition in the Tibetan Gelug order. Like the logic of Aristotle, ancient Indian logic is a highly formal system… …   Wikipedia

  • allosaurus — ☆ allosaurus [al΄ō sôr′əs, al΄əsôr′əs ] n. 〚ModL: see ALLO & SAUR〛 any of a genus (Allosaurus) of huge, carnivorous saurischian dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods * * * Large carnivorous dinosaur of a group similar to the… …   Universalium

  • subsume — UK [səbˈsjuːm] / US [səbˈsum] verb [transitive, often passive] Word forms subsume : present tense I/you/we/they subsume he/she/it subsumes present participle subsuming past tense subsumed past participle subsumed formal to include something in a… …   English dictionary

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