substituent group
Смотреть что такое "substituent group" в других словарях:
substituent — [sub stich′o͞o ənt] n. [< L substituens, prp. of substituere: see SUBSTITUTE] Chem. an atom or group of atoms replacing another atom or group in a compound … English World dictionary
Substituent — Sub*stit u*ent, n. [L. substituens, p. pr. See {Substitute}.] (Chem.) Any atom, group, or radical substituted for another, or entering a molecule in place of some other part which is removed. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Substituent — For other meanings see substitution. In organic chemistry and biochemistry, a substituent is an atom or group of atoms substituted in place of a hydrogen atom on the parent chain of a hydrocarbon. The terms substituent, side chain, group, branch … Wikipedia
substituent — noun Etymology: Latin substituent , substituens, present participle of substituere Date: circa 1896 an atom or group that replaces another atom or group in a molecule • substituent adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
substituent — adj. & n. Chem. adj. (of a group of atoms) replacing another atom or group in a compound. n. such a group. Etymology: L substituere substituent (as SUBSTITUTE) … Useful english dictionary
substituent — /sub stich ooh euhnt/, n. 1. Chem. an atom or atomic group that takes the place of another atom or group present in the molecule of the original compound. adj. 2. having been or capable of being substituted. [1890 95; < L substituent (s. of… … Universalium
substituent — sub·stit·u·ent səb stich (ə )wənt n an atom or group that replaces another atom or group in a molecule substituent adj * * * sub·stit·u·ent (səb stichґu ənt) 1. of or pertaining to substitution. 2. substitute (def. 2). 3. the component… … Medical dictionary
substituent — sub•stit•u•ent [[t]sʌbˈstɪtʃ u ənt[/t]] n. chem. an atom or atomic group that takes the place of another atom or group present in the molecule of the original compound • Etymology: 1890–95; < L substituent , s. of substituēns, prp. of… … From formal English to slang
substituent — /sʌbˈstɪtʃuənt/ (say sub stichoohuhnt) noun an atom or atomic group which takes the place of another atom or group present in the molecule of the original (or parent) compound. {Latin substituens, present participle, substituting} …
substituent — noun Any atom, group, or radical substituted for another, or entering a molecule in place of some other part which is removed … Wiktionary
substituent — [səb stɪtjʊənt] noun Chemistry an atom or group of atoms taking the place of another or occupying a specified position in a molecule … English new terms dictionary