subsonic flow

subsonic flow
дозвуковой поток

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "subsonic flow" в других словарях:

  • subsonic flow — noun : directed motion of a fluid medium in which the velocity is less than that of sound in the medium throughout the region under consideration …   Useful english dictionary

  • Subsonic and transonic wind tunnel — ubsonic tunnelLow speed wind tunnels are used for operations at very low mach number, with speeds in the test section up to 400 km/h ( 100 m/s, M = 0.3). They are of open return type ( losses. Open wind tunnelThe working principle is based on the …   Wikipedia

  • Compressible flow — is the area of fluid mechanics that deals with fluids in which the fluid density varies significantly in response to a change in pressure. Compressibility effects are typically considered significant if the Mach number (the ratio of the flow… …   Wikipedia

  • Rayleigh flow — refers to diabatic flow through a constant area duct where the effect of heat addition or rejection is considered. Compressibility effects often come into consideration, although the Rayleigh flow model certainly also applies to incompressible… …   Wikipedia

  • Fanno flow — refers to adiabatic flow through a constant area duct where the effect of friction is considered. Compressibility effects often come into consideration, although the Fanno flow model certainly also applies to incompressible flow. For this model,… …   Wikipedia

  • Aerodynamic potential flow code — Aerodynamic potential flow or panel codes are used to determine the velocity and subsequently the pressure distribution on an object. This may be a simple two dimensional object, such as a circle or wing and it may be a three dimensional vehicle …   Wikipedia

  • Potential flow — streamlines around a NACA 0012 airfoil at 11° angle of attack, with upper and lower streamtubes identified. In fluid dynamics, potential flow describes the velocity field as the gradient of a scalar function: the velocity potential. As a result,… …   Wikipedia

  • Choked flow — is a compressible flow effect. The parameter that becomes choked or limited is the velocity or the mass flow rate. Choked flow is a fluid dynamic condition associated with the Venturi effect. When a flowing fluid at a given pressure and… …   Wikipedia

  • Control flow diagram — Example of a so called performance seeking control flow diagram .[1] A control flow diagram (CFD) is a diagram to describe the control flow of a business process, process or program. Contr …   Wikipedia

  • Aerodynamics — is a branch of dynamics concerned with studying the motion of air, particularly when it interacts with a moving object. Aerodynamics is closely related to fluid dynamics and gas dynamics, with much theory shared between them. Aerodynamics is… …   Wikipedia

  • Scramjet — Part of a series on Aircraft propulsion Shaft engines (to drive pr …   Wikipedia

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