subsequent event
Смотреть что такое "subsequent event" в других словарях:
subsequent event — An alternative term for *event after the balance sheet date … Auditor's dictionary
subsequent, consequent — These words are easily confused. Subsequent means succeeding, following in order or time : Subsequent to his release from prison, he got back his old job. Each of the following constructions indicates later : subsequent events, a talk held… … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
event — noun 1 sth that happens ADJECTIVE ▪ big, great, important, major, significant ▪ historic, key, landmark, life changing … Collocations dictionary
subsequent — 01. The first time we visited Grandpa in the hospital he complained about the food, so on [subsequent] visits we brought him his favorite meals from home. 02. Sophie did quite poorly on her first two math tests, but on [subsequent] exams she… … Grammatical examples in English
subsequent — [[t]sʌ̱bsɪkwənt[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADJ: ADJ n You use subsequent to describe something that happened or existed after the time or event that has just been referred to. [FORMAL] ...the increase of population in subsequent years... Those concerns were… … English dictionary
subsequent — adj. Subsequent is used with these nouns: ↑amendment, ↑disappearance, ↑event, ↑generation, ↑history, ↑litigation, ↑payment, ↑release, ↑report, ↑section, ↑success, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
subsequent — adj. (usu. foll. by to) following a specified event etc. in time, esp. as a consequence. Derivatives: subsequently adv. Etymology: ME f. OF subsequent or L subsequi (as SUB , sequi follow) … Useful english dictionary
Discrete event simulation — In discrete event simulation, the operation of a system is represented as a chronological sequence of events. Each event occurs at an instant in time and marks a change of state in the system [1]. For example, if an elevator is simulated, an… … Wikipedia
Condition subsequent — refers to an event or state of affairs that brings an end to something else. A condition subsequent is often used in a legal context as a marker bringing an end to one s legal rights or duties. A condition subsequent may be either an event or a… … Wikipedia
Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event — Artist s rendering of bolide impact Badlands nea … Wikipedia
condition subsequent — see condition Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. condition subsequent … Law dictionary