subscription warrant
Смотреть что такое "subscription warrant" в других словарях:
subscription warrant — noun a warrant that expires on a stipulated date • Hypernyms: ↑warrant, ↑stock warrant, ↑stock purchase warrant * * * noun : a certificate or other document constituting legal evidence of a subscription right … Useful english dictionary
subscription warrant — Applies to derivative products. Type of security, usually issued with another security, such as a bond or stock, that entitles the holder to buy a proportionate amount of common stock at a specified price, usually higher than the market price at… … Financial and business terms
warrant — war·rant 1 / wȯr ənt, wär / n [Anglo French warant garant protector, guarantor, authority, authorization, of Germanic origin] 1: warranty (2) an implied warrant of fitness 2: a commission or document giving authority to do something: as … Law dictionary
subscription — sub·scrip·tion /səb skrip shən/ n 1: the act of signing one s name (as in attesting or witnessing a document) 2: something that is subscribed; specif: a sum subscribed or pledged a charitable subscription 3: an agreement to purchase securities… … Law dictionary
warrant — Synonyms and related words: Bible oath, CD, IOU, John Hancock, MO, OK, accept, acceptance, acceptance bill, account for, accredit, acknowledge, acknowledgment, acquittance, admit, affidavit, affirm, affirmance, affirmation, agency, agentship,… … Moby Thesaurus
Subscription Price — 1. A static price at which existing shareholders can participate in a rights offering conducted by a public company so they may retain their proportional ownership of the business. The subscription price will be the same for all shareholders and… … Investment dictionary
warrant — 1) A security that offers the owner the right to subscribe for the ordinary shares of a company at a fixed date, usually at a fixed price. Warrants are themselves bought and sold on stock exchanges and are equivalent to stock options.… … Accounting dictionary
warrant — 1) A security that offers the owner the right to subscribe for the ordinary shares of a company at a fixed date, usually at a fixed price. Warrants are themselves bought and sold on stock exchanges and are equivalent to stock options.… … Big dictionary of business and management
subscription — Synonyms and related words: John Hancock, OK, X, acceptance, accommodation, accordance, affirmance, affirmation, alms, alms fee, approbation, approval, authentication, authorization, autograph, award, awarding, bestowal, bestowment, certification … Moby Thesaurus
stock warrant — noun 1. a type of security issued by a corporation (usually together with a bond or preferred stock) that gives the holder the right to purchase a certain amount of common stock at a stated price as a sweetener they offered warrants along with… … Useful english dictionary
stock-purchase warrant — noun a type of security issued by a corporation (usually together with a bond or preferred stock) that gives the holder the right to purchase a certain amount of common stock at a stated price as a sweetener they offered warrants along with the… … Useful english dictionary