subscription to an issue

subscription to an issue
подписка на заем Syn : subscription to a loan

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "subscription to an issue" в других словарях:

  • Subscription business model — Subscription redirects here. For the subscription process for shares etc., see Subscription (finance). The subscription business model is a business model where a customer must pay a subscription price to have access to the product/service. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Subscription (finance) — Subscription refers to the process of investors signing up and committing to invest in a financial instrument, before the actual closing of the purchase. Contents 1 New issues 1.1 Subscription period 1.2 Allotment 2 …   Wikipedia

  • subscription — sub·scrip·tion /səb skrip shən/ n 1: the act of signing one s name (as in attesting or witnessing a document) 2: something that is subscribed; specif: a sum subscribed or pledged a charitable subscription 3: an agreement to purchase securities… …   Law dictionary

  • subscription agreement — An agreement between an investor, a company and its directors setting out the terms on which the company will issue shares and other securities to the investor and containing warranties, restrictive covenants and other provisions regulating the… …   Law dictionary

  • subscription — Agreement to buy new issue of securities. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Acquisition of shares or units in a fund by an investor. NYSE Euronext Glossary * * * subscription sub‧scrip‧tion [səbˈskrɪpʆn] noun 1. [countable] an amount of money you… …   Financial and business terms

  • subscription book — noun 1. : a book containing a list of subscribers 2. : a book sold by subscription usually through personal solicitation by an agent * * * subscription book, 1. a book containing the names of subscribers, along with the amounts of their… …   Useful english dictionary

  • subscription — /səb skrɪpʃən/ noun 1. money paid in advance for a series of issues of a magazine, for membership of a society or for access to information on a website ● Did you remember to pay the subscription to the computer magazine? ● She forgot to renew… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Subscription crease — A subscription crease describes a specific flaw in the condition of a comic book, particularly a crease through the entire book running from top to bottom. It is a term commonly used by comic book collectors.When comic book publishers began… …   Wikipedia

  • subscription — noun Etymology: Middle English subscripcion mark at the end of a document, concluding formula, from Anglo French, from Latin subscription , subscriptio, from subscribere Date: 15th century 1. a. the act of signing one s name (as in attesting or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • subscription warrant — Applies to derivative products. Type of security, usually issued with another security, such as a bond or stock, that entitles the holder to buy a proportionate amount of common stock at a specified price, usually higher than the market price at… …   Financial and business terms

  • Subscription price —   An ISO term. The currency code and the money amount to be paid to acquire the smallest full unit in the new issue. 3a15d …   International financial encyclopaedia

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