
вызывать в суд см. также subpoena

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "subpenas" в других словарях:

  • subpenas — n. official written document summoning a witness to appear in court or requiring that certain evidence be brought before a court (Law) v. serve with a subpena, serve with an official written document summoning a witness to appear in court or… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sheriff — sher·iff n [Old English scīrgerēfa, from scīr shire + gerēfa reeve (king s agent)]: an official of a county or parish charged primarily with judicial duties (as executing the processes and orders of courts and judges) Merriam Webster’s Dictionary …   Law dictionary

  • constable — con·sta·ble / kän stə bəl, kən / n [Old French conestable military commander, chief of the royal household, from Late Latin comes stabuli, literally, officer of the stable]: a public officer usu. of a town or township responsible for keeping the… …   Law dictionary

  • court costs — The fees charged for the use of a court, including the initial filing fee, fees for serving the summons, complaint, and other court papers, fees to pay a court reporter to transcribe depositions (pretrial interviews of witnesses) and in court… …   Law dictionary

  • subpena — A court order issued at the request of a party requiring a witness to testify, produce specified evidence, or both. A subpena can be used to obtain testimony from a witness at both depositions (testimony under oath taken outside of court) and at… …   Law dictionary

  • subpeona — a writ ordering a person to appear at a lawcourt, has the plural form subpoenas. In AmE it is sometimes spelt subpena, with the plural form subpenas. The verb has inflections subpoenas, subpoenaed, subpoenaing …   Modern English usage

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