submit an offer

submit an offer
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "submit an offer" в других словарях:

  • submit — sub·mit vb sub·mit·ted, sub·mit·ting vt 1: to yield or subject to control or authority to submit himself to the jurisdiction of the tribal court Sheppard v. Sheppard, 655 P.2d 895 (1982) 2 a: to present or propose to another for review,… …   Law dictionary

  • Offer sheet — In the National Hockey League, an offer sheet is a contract offered to a restricted free agent by a team other than the one for which he played during the prior season. If the player signs the offer sheet, his current team has seven days to match …   Wikipedia

  • offer — of·fer / ȯ fər/ n 1: a proposal, promise, or other manifestation of willingness to make and fulfill a contract or to bargain under proposed terms with another party that has the power to accept it upon receiving it denied accepting the offer see …   Law dictionary

  • offer — [n] proposal, suggestion action, attempt, bid, endeavor, essay, feeler*, hit*, overture, pass*, pitch*, presentation, proposition, propoundment, rendition, submission, tender; concepts 66,67,278 Ant. refusal, taking, withdrawal offer [v1] present …   New thesaurus

  • submit — [v1] comply, endure abide, accede, acknowledge, acquiesce, agree, appease, bend, be submissive, bow, buckle, capitulate, cave, cede, concede, defer, eat crow*, fold, give away, give ground, give in, give way, go with the flow*, grin and bear it* …   New thesaurus

  • offer proposals — submit suggestions, submit proposals …   English contemporary dictionary

  • submit — [səb mit′] vt. submitted, submitting [ME submitten < L submittere < sub , under, down + mittere, to send: see MISSION] 1. to present or refer to others for decision, consideration, etc. 2. to yield to the action, control, power, etc. of… …   English World dictionary

  • offer — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Present for acceptance Nouns 1. offer, proffer, presentation, tender, bid, overture, advance; ultimatum, last word, final offer; proposal, proposition, motion, invitation; asking price; candidature,… …   English dictionary for students

  • Offer in compromise — The Offer in Compromise (or OIC) program, in the United States, is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) program under 26 U.S.C. § 7122 which allows qualified individuals with an unpaid tax debt to negotiate a settled amount that is less… …   Wikipedia

  • offer*/*/*/ — [ˈɒfə] verb [T] I 1) to let someone know that you will give them something or do something for them if they want it They haven t offered me the job yet.[/ex] He had offered cocaine to an undercover police officer.[/ex] Thank you for offering to… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • offer — v 1. tender, proffer, present, hold out, extend, put or place at [s.o s] disposal. 2. propose, pose, put forward, suggest, recommend, advance, propound; submit, set before, put to choice; move, make a motion. 3. volunteer, come or step forward,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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