submit a dispute to arbitration

submit a dispute to arbitration
обращаться со спором в арбитраж

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "submit a dispute to arbitration" в других словарях:

  • Arbitration in the United States of America — Arbitration, in the context of United States law, is a form of alternative dispute resolution mdash; specifically, a legal alternative to litigation whereby the parties to a dispute agree to submit their respective positions (through agreement or …   Wikipedia

  • arbitration — arbitrational, adj. arbitrationist, n. /ahr bi tray sheuhn/, n. 1. the hearing and determining of a dispute or the settling of differences between parties by a person or persons chosen or agreed to by them: Rather than risk a long strike, the… …   Universalium

  • arbitration — /ˌɑ:bɪ treɪʃ(ə)n/ noun the settling of a dispute by an outside party agreed on by both sides ● to take a dispute to arbitration or to go to arbitration ● arbitration in an industrial dispute ● The two sides decided to submit the dispute to… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Arbitration agreement — The patient waives the right to sue the doctor and, instead, submit any dispute to arbitration. Arbitration agreements are legal and binding. The arguments in their favor are that, for patients, the case can be settled faster and more money can… …   Medical dictionary

  • Arbitration — • A method of arranging differences between two parties by referring them to the judgment of a disinterested outsider whose decision the parties to a dispute agree in advance to accept as in some way binding Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • arbitration — ar·bi·tra·tion /ˌär bə trā shən/ n [Latin arbitratio, from arbitrari to judge, arbitrate, from arbiter onlooker, arbitrator]: the process of resolving a dispute (as between labor and management) or a grievance outside of the court system by… …   Law dictionary

  • submit */*/*/ — UK [səbˈmɪt] / US verb Word forms submit : present tense I/you/we/they submit he/she/it submits present participle submitting past tense submitted past participle submitted 1) [transitive] to formally give something to someone so that they can… …   English dictionary

  • submit — sub|mit [ səb mıt ] verb *** 1. ) transitive to formally give something to someone so that they can make a decision about it: The plans will be submitted next week. 2. ) intransitive to accept that someone has defeated you or has power over you:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • arbitration agreement — A contract to submit a dispute or disputes to arbitration, either present controversies or disputes which may arise in the future. 5 Am J2d Arb & A § 11 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • ARBITRATION — ARBITRATION, method of settling disputes by their submission, voluntarily and with the mutual consent of all parties, for adjudication by a person or institution. Function of Arbitration In ancient Greek and Roman law – up to the middle of the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • submit — sub·mit vb sub·mit·ted, sub·mit·ting vt 1: to yield or subject to control or authority to submit himself to the jurisdiction of the tribal court Sheppard v. Sheppard, 655 P.2d 895 (1982) 2 a: to present or propose to another for review,… …   Law dictionary

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