submerged-hydrofoil craft

submerged-hydrofoil craft
судно на глубоко погруженных подводных крыльях

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "submerged-hydrofoil craft" в других словарях:

  • Hydrofoil — A hydrofoil is a boat with wing like foils mounted on struts below the hull. As the craft increases its speed the hydrofoils develop enough lift for the boat to become foilborne i.e. to raise the hull up and out of the water. This results in a… …   Wikipedia

  • hydrofoil — /huy dreuh foyl /, n. 1. Naval Archit. a surface form creating a thrust against water in a direction perpendicular to the plane approximated by the surface. 2. Naut. a. a winglike member having this form, designed to lift the hull of a moving… …   Universalium

  • Pegasus class hydrofoil — The Pegasus class hydrofoils were a series of fast attack patrol boats employed by the U.S. Navy. They were in service from 1977 through 1993. These hydrofoils carried the designation PHM for Patrol, Hydrofoil, Missile. The Pegasus class vessels… …   Wikipedia

  • logistics — /loh jis tiks, leuh /, n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) 1. the branch of military science and operations dealing with the procurement, supply, and maintenance of equipment, with the movement, evacuation, and hospitalization of personnel, with the …   Universalium

  • USS High Point (PCH-1) — was a sclass|High Point|patrol craft of the United States Navy, and was launched August 17, 1962 by J. M. Martinac Shipbuilding Corporation in Tacoma, Washington. Built in conjunction with Boeing in Seattle, Washington she was placed in service… …   Wikipedia

  • List of shipwrecks — Contents 1 Africa 1.1 East Africa 1.2 North Africa 1.2.1 Algeria …   Wikipedia

  • USS Tucumcari (PGH-2) — The Tucumcari (PGH 2) was a Boeing built hydrofoil. Named after Tucumcari, New Mexico, it was the basis for the technology used in the subsequent Pegasus class patrol boats and the Jetfoil ferries. Its unique feature was a waterjet propulsion and …   Wikipedia

  • Ship — A ship IPA|/ʃɪp/ audio|en us ship.ogg|Audio (US) is a large vessel that floats on water. Ships are generally distinguished from boats based on size. Ships may be found on lakes, seas, and rivers and they allow for a variety of activities, such as …   Wikipedia

  • English Channel — For the racehorse, see English Channel (horse). Satellite view of the English Channel The English Channel (French: la Manche, Breton: Mor Breizh, Cornish: Mor Bretannek), often referred to simply as the Chann …   Wikipedia

  • Water speed record — The World Unlimited water speed record is the officially recognised fastest speed achieved by a water borne vehicle. The current record of 511 km/h (317 mph) was achieved in 1978. * From 1909 to 1927 the record was an unofficial listing from the… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of nautical terms — This is a glossary of nautical terms; some remain current, many date from the 17th 19th century. See also Wiktionary s nautical terms, Category:Nautical terms, and Nautical metaphors in English. Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R …   Wikipedia

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