- submental
- субментальный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Submental — (below the chin) can refer to:* Submental artery, a branch of the facial artery * Submental triangle, a division of the anterior triangle of the neck * Submental lymph nodes … Wikipedia
Submental — Sub*men tal, a. (Anat.) Situated under the chin; as, the submental artery. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Submental — (v. lat.), unter dem Kinn befindlich … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
submental — submental, ale (sub man tal, ta l ) adj. Terme d anatomie. Situé sous le menton. Artère submentale. ÉTYMOLOGIE Sub..., et lat. mentum, menton … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
submental — adj. 2 g. [Anatomia] Situado na parte inferior do mento … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
submental artery — n a branch of the facial artery that branches off near the submandibular gland and is distributed to the muscles of the jaw * * * arteria submentalis … Medical dictionary
Submental artery — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = arteria submentalis GraySubject = 144 GrayPage = 555 Caption = Dissection, showing salivary glands of right side. (Submental artery visible at bottom right.) Caption2 = BranchFrom = facial artery BranchTo =… … Wikipedia
Submental triangle — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = trigonum submentale GraySubject = 145 GrayPage = 565 Caption = The triangles of the neck. (Anterior triangles to the left; posterior triangles to the right. Suprahyoid labeled at left.) Caption2 = Side of… … Wikipedia
Submental lymph nodes — Infobox Lymph Name = PAGENAME Latin = nodi lymphoidei submentales GraySubject = 177 GrayPage = 697 Caption = 1: Submental lymph nodes 2: Submandibular lymph nodes 3: Supraclavicular lymph nodes 4: Retropharyngeal lymph nodes 5: Buccinator lymph… … Wikipedia
submental — adj. * * * … Universalium
submental — Beneath the chin. * * * sub·men·tal ment əl adj located in, affecting, or performed on the area under the chin * * * sub·men·tal (səb menґtəl) [sub + mental2] inferior to the chin … Medical dictionary