

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sublimator" в других словарях:

  • sublimator — SUBLIMAT//ÓR sublimatoroáre n. Aparat pentru sublimare. /a sublima + suf. sublimatortor Trimis de siveco, 22.08.2004. Sursa: NODEX …   Dicționar Român

  • sublimator — sub·li·ma·tor …   English syllables

  • sublimator — mād.ə(r) noun ( s) Etymology: sublimate (I) + or : one that sublimates …   Useful english dictionary

  • Apollo Moon Landing hoax conspiracy theories — are claims that some or all elements of the Apollo Moon landings were faked by NASA and possibly members of other involved organizations. Some groups and individuals have advanced various theories which tend, to varying degrees, to include the… …   Wikipedia

  • Apollo Lunar Module — The Apollo Lunar Module was the lander portion of the Apollo spacecraft built for the US Apollo program by Grumman to achieve the transit from cislunar orbit to the surface and back. The module was also known as the LM from the manufacturer… …   Wikipedia

  • Primary Life Support System — A Primary (or Portable) Life Support System/Subsystem, or PLSS, is the backpack of a spacesuit. It provides most of the functions of a spacecraft life support system, in a smaller package. The functions performed by the PLSS include: *regulating… …   Wikipedia

  • Moon landing conspiracy theories — Astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong in NASA s training mockup …   Wikipedia

  • Sothis — (Greek Σώθις) is the name of a star that the Egyptians considered unusually significant. The star is not explicitly identified, but there are enough clues for modern scholars to be almost unanimous in identifying Sothis as Sirius. *Plutarch… …   Wikipedia

  • Apollo/Skylab A7L — Apollo 11 A7L space suit worn by Buzz Aldrin, and another worn by photographer Neil Armstrong in the visor reflection. The A7L Apollo Skylab spacesuit is the primary pressure suit worn by NASA astronauts for Project Apollo, the three manned… …   Wikipedia

  • Spacesuits in fiction — Science fiction authors have designed imaginary spacesuits for their characters almost since the beginning of fiction set in space.Often, comic book creators seem unaware of the effects of internal pressure which tends to inflate a spacesuit in… …   Wikipedia

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