Смотреть что такое "sublicense" в других словарях:
sublicense — sub·li·cense /ˌsəb līs əns/ n: a license granted by a licensee that grants some or all of the rights (as to a patent) acquired under the original license sublicense vb Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
sublicense — 1. noun A license granted by a licensee to a third party, under the authority of the license originally granted by a licensor to the licensee. Joe received a license from McDonalds to develop twenty McDonalds restaurants in Dearborne, which… … Wiktionary
sublicense — I. “+ noun Etymology: sub + license : a subordinate license granted to another by one already having a license II. ¦səbˌ transitive verb Etymology: sublicense, noun : to grant to another a sublicense for … Useful english dictionary
sublicense — /sub luy seuhns/, n., v., sublicensed, sublicensing. n. 1. a license or contract granted to a third party by a licensee for specified rights or uses of a product, brand name, logo, etc. v.t. 2. to grant a sublicense for. [SUB + LICENSE] * * * … Universalium
sublicense — sub·license … English syllables
Linux Mark Institute — The Linux Mark Institute (LMI) is an organization which administers the Linux trademark on behalf of Linus Torvalds for computer software which includes the Linux kernel, computer hardware utilizing Linux based software, and for services… … Wikipedia
Linux — This article is about operating systems that use the Linux kernel. For the kernel itself, see Linux kernel. For other uses, see Linux (disambiguation). Linux … Wikipedia
Sound film — … Wikipedia
sublicensee — “+ noun Etymology: sub + licensee : a subordinate licensee : a holder of a sublicense * * * /sub luy seuhn see /, n. a person, company, etc., to whom a sublicense is granted. [SUBLICENSE + EE] … Useful english dictionary
MIT License — Author Massachusetts Institute of Technology Publisher Massachusetts Institute of Technology Published 1988 DFSG compatible Yes Free software … Wikipedia
Action figure — An action figure is a posable character figurine, made of plastic or other materials, and often based upon a movie, comic book, video game, or television program. These action figures are usually marketed towards boys. Redressable action figures… … Wikipedia