Subjunctive — Sub*junc tive, n. (Gram.) The subjunctive mood; also, a verb in the subjunctive mood. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Subjunctive — Sub*junc tive, a. [L. subjunctivus, fr. subjungere, subjunctum, to subjoin: cf. F. subjonctif. See {Subjoin}.] Subjoined or added to something before said or written. [1913 Webster] {Subjunctive mood} (Gram.), that form of a verb which express… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
subjunctive — 1520s, mood employed to denote an action or state as conceived and not as a fact, from L.L. subjunctivus serving to join, connecting, from pp. stem of subjungere to append, add at the end, place under, from sub under (see SUB (Cf. sub )) +… … Etymology dictionary
subjunctive — Grammar ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of a form of a verb) expressing what is imagined or wished or possible. ► NOUN ▪ a verb in the subjunctive mood. ORIGIN Latin subjunctivus, from subjungere add to, join in addition … English terms dictionary
subjunctive — [səb juŋk′tiv] adj. [LL subjunctivus < L subjunctus, pp. of subjungere, to SUBJOIN] Gram. designating or of the mood of a verb that is used to express supposition, desire, hypothesis, possibility, etc., rather than to state an actual fact (Ex … English World dictionary
subjunctive — subjunctively, adv. /seuhb jungk tiv/, Gram. adj. 1. (in English and certain other languages) noting or pertaining to a mood or mode of the verb that may be used for subjective, doubtful, hypothetical, or grammatically subordinate statements or… … Universalium
subjunctive — sub•junc•tive [[t]səbˈdʒʌŋk tɪv[/t]] adj. 1) gram. of or designating a grammatical mood typically used for subjective, doubtful, hypothetical, or grammatically subordinate statements or questions, as the mood of be in if this be treason Compare… … From formal English to slang
subjunctive — I. adjective Etymology: Late Latin subjunctivus, from Latin subjunctus, past participle of subjungere to join beneath, subordinate Date: 1530 of, relating to, or constituting a verb form or set of verb forms that represents a denoted act or state … New Collegiate Dictionary
subjunctive — /səbˈdʒʌŋktɪv / (say suhb jungktiv) Grammar –adjective 1. (in many languages) designating or relating to a verb mood having among its functions the expression of contingent or hypothetical action. For example, in the sentence Were I but king,… …
subjunctive — 1. adjective inflected to indicate that an act or state of being is possible, contingent or hypothetical, and not a fact. English examples include so be it; I wouldn’t if I were you; were I a younger man, I would fight back; I asked that he leave … Wiktionary
subjunctive — sub|junc|tive [səbˈdʒʌŋktıv] n [Date: 1500 1600; : Late Latin; Origin: subjunctivus, from Latin subjunctus, past participle of subjungere to join below, subordinate ] a verb form or a set of verb forms in grammar, used in some languages to… … Dictionary of contemporary English