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Final Fantasy XI — Desarrolladora(s) Squaresoft Distribuidora(s) PlayStation 2 … Wikipedia Español
Final Fantasy character classes — Articleissues cleanup = May 2008 OR = July 2008 refimprove = June 2008 In several installments of the Final Fantasy series of role playing games by Square Enix, classes (jobs) are roles assigned to playable characters that determine the character … Wikipedia
Crowd control (MMORPG) — For the general term, see crowd control. Crowd control (also called CC) is a term used in massive multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG)s to refer to the ability to limit the number of mobs actively fighting during an encounter.[1] It can … Wikipedia
Gameplay of Final Fantasy — Though each Final Fantasy story is independent, many aspects of gameplay have remained relatively consistent throughout the series. Contents 1 Parties and battles 2 Minigames 3 Character growth and classes … Wikipedia