subjective estimation

subjective estimation
мат. субъективная оценка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "subjective estimation" в других словарях:

  • PROBABILITÉ SUBJECTIVE — Utilisée parfois par les mathématiciens pour désigner la probabilité «bayésienne» (cf. calcul des PROBABILITÉS), l’expression de probabilité subjective comporte en elle même une ambiguïté. Elle désigne en effet soit la logique propre de la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Software development effort estimation — is the process of predicting the most realistic use of effort required to develop or maintain software based on incomplete, uncertain and/or noisy input. Effort estimates may be used as input to project plans, iteration plans, budgets, investment …   Wikipedia

  • Tortuosity — is a property of curve being (twisted; having many turns). There have been several attempts to quantify this property.Tortuosity in 2 DSubjective estimation (sometimes aided by optometric grading scales [Richard M. Pearson. Optometric Grading… …   Wikipedia

  • time distortion —    Also known as illusory alteration of time, psychopathology of time judgment, paradoxic time sense, temporal anomaly, and dyschronation. All six terms are generic terms for a group of symptoms characterized by an altered experience of… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • Analytical psychology — Part of a series of articles on Psychoanalysis …   Wikipedia

  • Unidade real de valor — The Unidade Real de Valor, or URV (Portuguese, Real Value Unit ), was a non monetary reference currency (ie, non fiat) created in March 1994, as part of the Plano Real in Brazil. It was the most theoretically sophisticated piece of the Plano Real …   Wikipedia

  • Thyrsus González de Santalla — Tirso González de Santalla, (18 January 1624, Arganza, Spain 27 October 1705, Rome) was a Spanish Theologian, elected, in 1687, 13th Superior General of the Society of Jesus.Formation and StudiesHe did his Humanities and Letters at Villafranca… …   Wikipedia

  • Thyrsus Gonzalez de Santalla —     Thyrsus González de Santalla     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Thyrsus González de Santalla     Theologian and thirteenth general of the Society of Jesus, b. at Arganda, Spain, 18 January, 1624; died at Rome, 27 October, 1705. He entered the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • economic order quantity — EOQ A volume of inventory intended to minimize *inventory related administrative, holding, and transport costs. An optimal EOQ can be calculated through either differential calculus or subjective estimation …   Auditor's dictionary

  • CROYANCE — Le parcours complexe qui sera ici suivi présente, pour un regard de survol, un certain nombre de grandes articulations. La première concerne le passage du langage ordinaire au langage philosophique : pour la langue courante, le mot est surtout… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • List of important publications in statistics — Probability Théorie analytique des probabilités :Author: Pierre Simon Laplace:Publication data: 1820 (3rd ed.):Online version: ?:Description: Attacks the roots of least squares and interpolation techniques, bringing back techniques from a century …   Wikipedia

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