subjective decision

subjective decision
мат. субъективное решение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "subjective decision" в других словарях:

  • Decision theory — in economics, psychology, philosophy, mathematics, and statistics is concerned with identifying the values, uncertainties and other issues relevant in a given decision, its rationality, and the resulting optimal decision. It is closely related to …   Wikipedia

  • Subjective expected utility — is a method in decision theory in the presence of risk, originally put forward by L. J. Savage in 1954 [Savage, Leonard J. 1954. The Foundations of Statistics . New York, Wiley.] . It combines two distinct subjective concepts: a personal utility… …   Wikipedia

  • DÉCISION — La réflexion moderne sur la question de savoir quel parti prendre lorsqu’on se trouve confronté à un choix difficile a été esquissée pour la première fois par Blaise Pascal, au XVIIe siècle, dans le fameux texte du «pari» sur l’entrée dans la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Decision making — For Decision making in groups, see Group decision making. Sample flowchart representing the decision process to add a new article to Wikipedia. Decision making can be regarded as the mental processes (cognitive process) resulting in the selection …   Wikipedia

  • Decision process tool — A decision process tool is designed to support an investment management firm that is constructing an investment portfolio of multiple assets. Every investment manager goes through a similar process of finding potential ideas to add to their… …   Wikipedia

  • Decision making models — All people need to make decisions from time to time. Given limited time in formulating policies and addressing public problems, public administrators must enjoy a certain degree of discretion in planning, revising and implementing public policies …   Wikipedia

  • Decision-matrix method — Invented by Stuart Pugh the decision matrix method, also Pugh method, Pugh Concept Selection is a quantitative technique used to rank the multi dimensional options of an option set. It is frequently used in engineering for making design decisions …   Wikipedia

  • decision trees — Diagrams that illustrate the choices available to a decision maker and the estimated outcomes of each possible decision. Each possible decision is shown as a separate branch of the tree, together with each estimated outcome for each decision and… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • decision trees — Diagrams that illustrate the choices available to a decision maker and the estimated outcomes of each possible decision. Each possible decision is shown as a separate branch of the tree, together with each estimated outcome for each decision and… …   Accounting dictionary

  • PROBABILITÉ SUBJECTIVE — Utilisée parfois par les mathématiciens pour désigner la probabilité «bayésienne» (cf. calcul des PROBABILITÉS), l’expression de probabilité subjective comporte en elle même une ambiguïté. Elle désigne en effet soit la logique propre de la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Info-gap decision theory — is a non probabilistic decision theory that seeks to optimize robustness to failure – or opportuneness for windfall – under severe uncertainty,[1][2] in particular applying sensitivity analysis of the stability radius type[3] to perturbations in… …   Wikipedia

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