- subject catalogue
- предметный каталог предметный каталог
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
subject catalogue — noun In a library, a catalogue of books arranged according to subjects dealt with • • • Main Entry: ↑subject … Useful english dictionary
subject catalogue — /ˈsʌbdʒɛkt ˌkætəlɒg/ (say subjekt .katuhlog) noun (in libraries) a catalogue with entries listed by subject …
subject catalogue — magazine with topics … English contemporary dictionary
subject — n., adj., adv., & v. n. 1 a a matter, theme, etc. to be discussed, described, represented, dealt with, etc. b (foll. by for) a person, circumstance, etc., giving rise to specified feeling, action, etc. (a subject for congratulation). 2 a… … Useful english dictionary
catalogue — ▪ I. catalogue cat‧a‧logue 1 [ˈkætəlɒg ǁ lɒːg, lɑːg] also catalog noun [countable] MARKETING 1. a book containing a list of products that are for sale together with their prices: • You will find the product listed on page 19 of our current catal … Financial and business terms
catalogue — n. 1) to compile, make up a catalogue 2) an author; card; subject; union catalogue 3) a college, school, university; mail order; museum catalogue * * * [ kætəlɒg] card mail order make up a catalogue museum catalogue school … Combinatory dictionary
catalogue — /ˈkætəlɒg / (say katuhlog) noun 1. a list, usually in alphabetical order, with brief notes on the names, articles, etc., listed. 2. a record of the books and other resources of a library or a collection, indicated on cards, or, occasionally, in… …
catalogue raisonné — |rāzən|ā, ez noun (plural catalogues raisonnés g(z)|r...n|ā) Etymology: French, literally, reasoned catalog : a systematic catalog with critical or descriptive notes; especially : a critical bibliography arranged according to subject … Useful english dictionary
Library of Congress Subject Headings — The Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) comprise a thesaurus (in the information technology sense) of subject headings, maintained by the United States Library of Congress, for use in bibliographic records. LC Subject Headings are an… … Wikipedia
Descriptive Catalogue (1809) — The title page of the Descriptive Catalogue The Descriptive Catalogue of 1809 is a description of, and prospectus for, an exhibition by William Blake of a number of his own illustrations for various topics, but most notably including a set of… … Wikipedia
Vice-county Census Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Great Britain — NOTOC The Vice county Census Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Great Britain (ISBN 0 901158 30 5) is a A5 softback book produced in 2003 by the Botanical Society of the British Isles. It attempts to present a complete picture of the vice county … Wikipedia