Смотреть что такое "subheader" в других словарях:
subheader — noun A header that appears below another header and describes a subsection of its contents … Wiktionary
The Dice Man — For other uses, see Diceman (disambiguation). The Dice Man … Wikipedia
Isla Aves — Isla de Aves (Spanish for Island of Birds ), or Aves Island, is a Caribbean islet whose status is the subject of a territorial dispute between Dominica and Venezuela. It lies to the west of the Leeward Islands chain at… … Wikipedia
Tiddler — A tiddler is an entry in a TiddlyWiki. It is equivalent to a wiki page and uses a simplified markup language similar to that used by Wikipedia. In fact the original source text for this entry was entered in a TiddlyWiki and yielded pretty much… … Wikipedia
subheaded — adjective Grouped under a subheader … Wiktionary
Wikipedia:Featured article candidates — Here, we determine which articles are to be featured articles (FAs). FAs exemplify Wikipedia s very best work and satisfy the FA criteria. All editors are welcome to review nominations; please see the review FAQ. Before nominating an article,… … Wikipedia