Смотреть что такое "subfix" в других словарях:
subfix — /sub fiks/, n. subscript (def. 4). [1890 95; SUB + fix, extracted from PREFIX, SUFFIX, etc.] * * * … Universalium
subfix — sub·fix … English syllables
subfix — ˈsəbˌfiks noun Etymology: sub + fix (as in prefix) : a subscript sign, letter, or character * * * /sub fiks/, n. subscript (def. 4). [1890 95; SUB + fix, extracted from PREFIX, SUFFIX, etc.] … Useful english dictionary
Xenobiotic — A xenobiotic is a chemical which is found in an organism but which is not normally produced or expected to be present in it. It can also cover substances which are present in much higher concentrations than are usual. Specifically, drugs such as… … Wikipedia
Wylie transliteration — The Wylie transliteration scheme is a method for transliterating the Tibetan script using the keys on a typical English language typewriter. It bears the name of Turrell Wylie, who refined the scheme in 1959. It has subsequently become a standard … Wikipedia
Berlitzgrube — Breitzbach Gemeinde Herleshausen Koordinaten … Deutsch Wikipedia
subscript — /sub skript/, adj. 1. written below (distinguished from adscript, superscript). 2. inferior (def. 9). n. 3. inferior (def. 11). 4. Also called subfix. any character, number, or symbol written next to and slightly below another. [1695 1705; < L… … Universalium