

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "subdivides" в других словарях:

  • subdivides — sub·di vide || ‚sÊŒbdɪ vaɪd v. divide part of a whole into smaller sections; separate into subdivisions …   English contemporary dictionary

  • human embryology — ▪ biology Introduction       the process encompassing the period from the formation of an embryo, through the development of a fetus, to birth.       The human body, like that of most animals, develops from a single cell produced by the union of… …   Universalium

  • Portuguese customary units — The Portuguese customary units were used in Portugal, Brazil and other parts of the Portuguese Empire until the adoption of the Metric System in the 19th century. The Metric System was adopted by Portugal and Portuguese colonies in 1852 and by… …   Wikipedia

  • Geography of British Columbia — Continent North America Region Western Canada Coordinates …   Wikipedia

  • Bulgaria — Infobox Country native name = bg. Република България bg. Republika Balgaria This article uses the official Bulgarian transliteration system when romanizing Bulgarian Cyrillic. For details, see Romanization of Bulgarian.] local name = bg. Balgaria …   Wikipedia

  • Attitude (psychology) — Attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual s like or dislike for an item. Attitudes are positive, negative or neutral views of an attitude object : i.e. a person, behaviour or event. People can also be ambivalent towards a …   Wikipedia

  • High German consonant shift — High German subdivides into Upper German (green) and Central German (blue), and is distinguished from Low German (yellow) and Dutch. The main isoglosses, the Benrath and Speyer lines, are marked in black. In historical linguistics, the High… …   Wikipedia

  • Vanaspati — (Devanagari: वनस्पति) is the Sanskrit word that now refers to the entire plant kingdom. However, according to Charaka Samhitā and Sushruta Samhita and the Vaisesikas, Vanaspati is limited to plants that bear fruits but no evident flowers. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Regions of New South Wales — In the State of New South Wales, Australia, there are many areas which are commonly known by regional names. Regions are areas that share similar characteristics. These characteristics may be natural such as the Murray River, the coastline, or… …   Wikipedia

  • List of ecoregions in North America (CEC) — This list of ecoregions of North America provides an overview of North American ecoregions designated by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). It should not be confused with Wikipedia articles based on the classification system… …   Wikipedia

  • lung — lunged /lungd/, adj. /lung/, n. 1. either of the two saclike respiratory organs in the thorax of humans and the higher vertebrates. 2. an analogous organ in certain invertebrates, as arachnids or terrestrial gastropods. 3. at the top of one s… …   Universalium

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