Смотреть что такое "subclavian" в других словарях:
Subclavian — Sub*cla vi*an, a. [Pref. sub + L. clavis a key. See {Clavicle}.] (Anat.) Situated under the clavicle, or collar bone; as, the subclavian arteries. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
subclavian — [sub klā′vē ən] adj. situated under the clavicle n. a subclavian vein, artery, etc … English World dictionary
subclavian — 1. Beneath the clavicle. SYN: infraclavicular. 2. Pertaining to the s. artery or vein. * * * sub·cla·vi·an .səb klā vē ən adj of, relating to, being, performed on, or inserted into a part (as an artery or vein) located under the clavicle <a… … Medical dictionary
Subclavian — In general, Subclavian means beneath the clavicle, and it can refer to: * Subclavian vein * Subclavian artery * Subclavian nerve (part of the Brachial plexus) … Wikipedia
subclavian — I. adjective Etymology: New Latin subclavius, from sub + clavicula clavicle Date: 1646 of, relating to, being, or inserted into a part (as an artery, vein, or nerve) located under the clavicle < subclavian catheter > II. noun Date: 1719 a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
subclavian — adj. (Anatomy) located beneath the clavicle; of or relating to a subclavian structure … English contemporary dictionary
subclavian — /sʌbˈkleɪviən/ (say sub klayveeuhn) Anatomy –adjective 1. situated or extending beneath the clavicle, as certain arteries, veins, etc. 2. relating to such an artery, vein, or the like. –noun 3. a subclavian artery, vein, or the like. {New Latin… …
Subclavian triangle — Subclavian triangle … Wikipedia
Subclavian loop — ( ansa subclavia ), also known as Vieussens ansa after French anatomist Raymond Vieussens (1635 1715), is a nerve cord that is a connection between the middle and inferior cervical ganglion, and forms a loop around the subclavian… … Wikipedia
subclavian groove — n. either of two grooves in the first rib, one for the main artery (subclavian artery) and the other for the main vein (subclavian vein) of the arm * * * … Universalium
subclavian artery — n the proximal part of the main artery of the arm that arises on the right side from the brachiocephalic artery and on the left side from the arch of the aorta, that extends from its point of origin to the outer border of the first rib where it… … Medical dictionary