Смотреть что такое "subcelestial" в других словарях:
Subcelestial — Sub ce*les tial, a. Being beneath the heavens; as, subcelestial glories. Barrow. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
subcelestial — [sub΄sə les′chəl] adj. [< ML subcaelestis (see SUB & CELESTIAL) + AL] beneath the heavens; terrestrial or mundane … English World dictionary
subcelestial — /sub seuh les cheuhl/, adj. 1. being beneath the heavens; terrestrial. 2. mundane; worldly. n. 3. a subcelestial being. [1555 65; SUB + CELESTIAL] * * * … Universalium
subcelestial — /sʌbsəˈlɛstiəl/ (say subsuh lesteeuhl) adjective 1. being beneath the heavens; mundane. –noun 2. a subcelestial being …
subcelestial — sub·celestial … English syllables
subcelestial — “+ adjective Etymology: sub + celestial : situated beneath the heavens; specifically : mundane … Useful english dictionary
Psellus, Michael — (1018–ca. 1078) Byzantine scholar, philosopher, author, and statesman, who undertook a classification of DEMONs in his work On the Work of Demons. Michael Psellus was born in Constantinople, where he rose to prominence in the royal court as … Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology
sublunary — a. Earthly, mundane, terrestrial, subastral, subcelestial, sublunar … New dictionary of synonyms
terrestrial — a. Earthly, sublunary, mundane, worldly, terrene, subastral, subcelestial … New dictionary of synonyms
mundane — adj 1. worldly, earthly, terrestrial, terrene, subcelestial, subastral, sublunary; secular, temporal, material, physical, corporeal, bodily, fleshly, carnal, sensual. 2. common, ordinary, everyday, usual, prosaic, household; routine, customary,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
terrestrial — adj 1. earthly, terrene, tellurian, telluric, Archaic. earthy; earthbound, sublunary, subas tral, Bot., Zool. geophilous; Class. Myth. chthonic or chthonian. 2. mundane, worldly, temporal, subcelestial; secular, profane … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder