- subassociation
- субассоциация
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
subassociation — n. [L. sub, under; ad, to; socius, companion] This term has been used by various authors as a substitute for the term association when not in agreement with the definition: a group assemblage of organisms, in a specific geographical area with one … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
subassociation — n. * * * … Universalium
subassociation — sub as•so ci•a′tion n … From formal English to slang
subassociation — n. * * * subassociaˈtion (↑association) n(2) • • • Main Entry: ↑sub … Useful english dictionary
Football Association of Yugoslavia — National football association Founded = 1919 FIFA affiliation = 1923 Region = UEFA Region affiliation = 1954 President = none Coach = noneThe Football Association of Yugoslavia (FSJ) ( sr. Fudbalski Savez Jugoslavije/Фудбалски Савез Југославије,… … Wikipedia
FK Obilić — For the reserve team, see FK Mladi Obilić. FK Obilić Full name Fudbalski klub Obilić Nickname(s) Vitezovi (The Knights) … Wikipedia
Football Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina — UEFA Founded 1920/1992 FIFA affiliation … Wikipedia
Ngawang Sungrab Thutob — Seal of Taktra Rinpoche Ngawang Sungrab Thutob (1874 1952; སྟག་བྲག་ནག་དབང་གསུང་རབ།; 三世达扎阿旺松绕) was the third Taktra Rinpoche, Wylie transliteration: sTag brag pandita and regent of Tibet. He was responsible for raising and educating the 14th Da … Wikipedia
UV — 1) Unterverband EN subassociation 2) Untersuchungsstelle für Verkehrstauglichkeit EN Investigation Office for Fitness for Traffic 3) Unterstützungsverein(igung) EN support association 4) Unternehmensverband EN business association … Abkürzungen und Akronyme in der deutschsprachigen Presse Gebrauchtwagen
subasociaţie — SUBASOCIÁŢIE s.f. Subdiviziune a unei asociaţii vegetale. [< sub + asociaţie]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN SUBASOCIÁŢIE s. f. subdiviziune a unei asociaţii vegetale. (< engl. subassociation) Trimis de raduborza,… … Dicționar Român