

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sub-normal" в других словарях:

  • sub-normal — see subnormal …   English dictionary

  • sub — sub·abdominal; sub·account; sub·acetate; sub·acid; sub·acidity; sub·acute; sub·adult; sub·aerial; sub·aesthetic; sub·age; sub·agency; sub·agent; sub·akhmimic; sub·alary; sub·alate; sub·alimentation; sub·alkaline; sub·allocate; sub·almoner;… …   English syllables

  • Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat) — Sub Zero is the name of two characters from the Mortal Kombat series. This article covers the younger character. For the older character, see Noob Saibot. General CVG character name= Sub Zero Img capt= Sub Zero as seen in Mortal Kombat vs DC… …   Wikipedia

  • Sub-clinical — is a medical term referring to a disease process that has initiated but has not yet manifested symptoms. One example is sub clinical hypothyroidism, where a patient will manifest none of the typical symptoms of hypothyroidism, and blood tests… …   Wikipedia

  • Sub-Zero Refrigerator — is a brand of residential refrigerator built in the USA. The company also manufactures kitchen appliances under the Wolf brand name. History The Sub Zero Freezer Company was founded in 1945, by Westye F. Bakke in Madison, Wisconsin. In 2000, they …   Wikipedia

  • sub-humano — adj. 1. Que é inferior ao que é considerado normal no ser humano. ≠ SOBRE HUMANO 2. Que não apresenta comportamento ou sentimento considerado normal no ser humano. = DESUMANO, INUMANO • Sinônimo geral: SUBUMANO   ‣ Etimologia: sub + humano …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • sub|nor|mal — «suhb NR muhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. below normal; less than normal: »a subnormal temperature, subnormal sales. 2. inferior to the normal, as in mental capacity: »a subnormal person. –n. a subnormal individual: »Most subnormals require… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sub- — [L. sub under, below; akin to Gr. ?, Skr. upa to, on, under, over. Cf. {Hypo }, {Super }.] 1. A prefix signifying under, below, beneath, and hence often, in an inferior position or degree, in an imperfect or partial state, as in subscribe,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sub- — [sub, səb] [< L sub, under, below: see UP1] prefix 1. under, beneath, below, from beneath [submarine, subsolar] 2. lower in rank, position, or importance than; inferior or subordinate to [subaltern, subhead] 3. to a lesser degree than,… …   English World dictionary

  • sub´mi|cro|scop´i|cal|ly — sub|mi|cro|scop|ic «SUHB my kruh SKOP ihk», adjective. so tiny or minute as to be invisible through the normal microscope: »It is composed of submicroscopic cigar shaped particles of iron (Scientific American). –sub´mi|cro|scop´i|cal|ly, adverb …   Useful english dictionary

  • sub|mi|cro|scop|ic — «SUHB my kruh SKOP ihk», adjective. so tiny or minute as to be invisible through the normal microscope: »It is composed of submicroscopic cigar shaped particles of iron (Scientific American). –sub´mi|cro|scop´i|cal|ly, adverb …   Useful english dictionary

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