Смотреть что такое "sub-harmonic" в других словарях:
sub — sub·abdominal; sub·account; sub·acetate; sub·acid; sub·acidity; sub·acute; sub·adult; sub·aerial; sub·aesthetic; sub·age; sub·agency; sub·agent; sub·akhmimic; sub·alary; sub·alate; sub·alimentation; sub·alkaline; sub·allocate; sub·almoner;… … English syllables
Harmonic mean — In mathematics, the harmonic mean (formerly sometimes called the subcontrary mean) is one of several kinds of average. Typically, it is appropriate for situations when the average of rates is desired.The harmonic mean H of the positive real… … Wikipedia
Harmonic measure — In mathematics, harmonic measure is a concept that arises in the theory of harmonic functions, where it can be used to estimate the modulus of an analytic function inside a domain D given bounds on the modulus on the boundary of the domain. In a… … Wikipedia
Pinch harmonic — A pinch harmonic, also known as a squealie or squealer is a guitar technique (typically electric guitar) pioneered by Roy Buchanan in which the player s thumb or index finger slightly catches the string after it is picked, cancelling the… … Wikipedia
subharmonic — sub·harmonic … English syllables
subharmonic — /sub hahr mon ik/, n. Physics. an oscillation that has a frequency which is an integral submultiple of the frequency of a related oscillation. [SUB + HARMONIC] * * * … Universalium
Lloyd Trammell — Earnest Lloyd Trammell (January 31, 1953 ) is an American inventor in the field of dimensional sound processing.HistoryIn 2001, the KOSMOS dynamic phasing technology debuts and is praised by top studio producers such as Kevin Shirley, who uses it … Wikipedia
Ashdown Engineering — Infobox Company company name=Ashdown Engineering company logo= company slogan= vector logo= company type=Private genre= foundation=1997 founder=Mark Gooday location=Chelmsford, Essex, England origins= key people= Mark Gooday Managing Director… … Wikipedia
Potential theory — may be defined as the study of harmonic functions. Definition and comments The term potential theory arises from the fact that, in 19th century physics, the fundamental forces of nature were believed to be derived from potentials which satisfied… … Wikipedia
Diamond Cut Audio Restoration Tools — Diamond Cut Audio Resotration Tools Developer(s) Craig Maier and Rick Carlson of Diamond Cut Productions … Wikipedia
Aircraft emergency frequency — The aircraft emergency frequency (also known as guard) is a frequency used on the aircraft radio band reserved for emergency communications for aircraft in distress. The frequencies are 121.5 MHz for civilian, also known as International Air… … Wikipedia