Смотреть что такое "stylolitic" в других словарях:
stylolitic — sty·lo·lit·ic … English syllables
stylolitic — adjective see stylolite * * * styloliˈtic adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑stylolite … Useful english dictionary
stylolite — stylolitic /stuy leuh lit ik/, adj. /stuy leuh luyt /, n. Geol. an irregular columnar structure in certain limestones, the columns being approximately at right angles to the bedding planes. [1865 70; STYLO 2 + LITE] * * * Sedimentary structure… … Universalium
List of rock textures — This page is intended to be a list of rock textural and morphological terms. A * Adcumulate * Agglomeritic * Adamantine a type of lustre * Amygdaloidal * Anhedral * Antitaxial veins * Aphanitic * Aplitic; aplite * Augen textured gneiss *… … Wikipedia