Смотреть что такое "styled" в других словарях:
styled — het·er·o·styled; homo·styled; py·go·styled; styled; … English syllables
Styled — Style Style, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Styled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Styling}.] To entitle; to term, name, or call; to denominate. Styled great conquerors. Milton. [1913 Webster] How well his worth and brave adventures styled. Dryden. [1913 Webster] Syn:… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
styled — adjective Set in place, arranged. His styled hair was not as attractive as he thought … Wiktionary
Styled Layer Descriptor — (SLD) ist ein XML Schema, das vom Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) definiert wurde, um das Aussehen von Kartenebenen zu definieren. Mit der SLD Darstellungsbeschreibungssprache kann das Aussehen von Vektor und Rasterdaten beschrieben werden.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Styled Layer Descriptor — (SLD), es un esquema XML propuesto por Open Geospatial Consortium como lenguaje estándar para describir el conjunto de capas que dan apariencia a un mapa. En los Sistemas de Información Geográfica y servidores cartográficos SLD ayuda a definir el … Wikipedia Español
Styled Layer Descriptor — A Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) is an XML schema specified by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) for describing the appearance of map layers. It is capable of describing the rendering of vector and raster data. A typical use of SLDs is to… … Wikipedia
styled — Synonyms and related words: called, christened, couched, denominate, denominated, designated, dubbed, expressed, formulated, identified as, known as, named, phrased, presented, put, termed, titled, worded, yclept … Moby Thesaurus
styled — staɪl n. manner, way; particular way of life (especially one that is luxurious); fashion, chic; vogue; ancient writing instrument; part of a pistil (Botany); stylet; slender pointed process (Zoology) v. plan, design; name, call … English contemporary dictionary
STYLED — … Useful english dictionary
self-styled — adj. called so by oneself; would be; pretended (a self styled artist). * * * adjective as claimed by and for yourself often without justification the self styled doctor has no degree of any kind • Syn: ↑soi disant • Similar to: ↑questionable * *… … Useful english dictionary
self-styled — ADJ: ADJ n (disapproval) If you describe someone as a self styled leader or expert, you disapprove of them because they claim to be a leader or expert but they do not actually have the right to call themselves this. Two of these arrested are said … English dictionary