- stupefacient
- мед. оглушающий;
наркотический (медицина) оглушающий;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
stupefacient — [sto͞o΄pəfak′tiv, styo͞o pəfak′tivsto͞o΄pə fā′shənt, styo͞o΄′pə fā′shənt] adj. [L stupefaciens, prp. of stupefacere, to STUPEFY] having a stupefying or narcotic effect: also stupefactive [sto͞o΄pəfak′tiv, styo͞o pəfak′tiv] n. a stupefacient drug; … English World dictionary
Stupefacient — Stu pe*fa cient, a. [L. stupefaciens, p. pr. of stupefacere to stupefy; stupere to be stupefied + facere to make. Cf. {Stupefy}.] [Written also {stupifacient}.] Producing stupefaction; stupefactive. n. (Med.) Anything promoting stupefaction; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stupefacient — index drug, narcotic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
stupefacient — /stooh peuh fay sheuhnt, styooh /, adj. 1. stupefying; producing stupor. n. 2. a drug or agent that produces stupor. [1660 70; < L stupefacient (s. of stupefaciens) prp. of stupefacere to benumb; see STUPEFY, FACIENT] * * * … Universalium
stupefacient — I. |st(y)üpə|fāshənt adjective Etymology: Latin stupefacient , stupefaciens, present participle of stupefacere to stupefy : bringing about a stupor : stupefying II. noun ( s) : something promoting stu … Useful english dictionary
stupefacient Medicine — [ˌstju:pɪ feɪs(ə)nt] adjective (chiefly of a drug) causing semi consciousness. noun a stupefacient drug … English new terms dictionary
stupefacient — 1. adjective inducing stupor or drowsiness (with a drug such as a narcotic or an anaesthetic) 2. noun a drug that has the above effect … Wiktionary
stupefacient — stu·pe·fa·cient (stoo″pə faґshənt) [L. stupefacere to make senseless] 1. inducing stupor. 2. an agent that induces stupor … Medical dictionary
stupefacient — stu·pe·fa·cient || ‚stuËpɪ feɪʃnt / tju adj. causing stupefaction, inducing stupor … English contemporary dictionary
stupefacient — n. Stupefactive, narcotic, opiate, sedative, anodyne, anaesthetic, sleeping draught … New dictionary of synonyms
stupefacient — stu·pe·fa·cient … English syllables