stuffing box
Смотреть что такое "stuffing box" в других словарях:
Stuffing box — Stuffing Stuff ing, n. 1. That which is used for filling anything; as, the stuffing of a saddle or cushion. [1913 Webster] 2. (Cookery) Any seasoning preparation used to stuff meat; especially, a composition of bread, condiments, spices, etc.;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stuffing box — n. a chamber that holds packing tightly around a moving part, as a piston rod, boat propeller shaft, etc., to prevent leakage of fluid along the part … English World dictionary
Stuffing box — A stuffing box is an assembly which is used to house a gland seal.[1] It is used to prevent leakage of fluid, such as water or steam, between sliding or turning parts of machine elements. Contents 1 Applications 1.1 Boats 1.2 Steam engines … Wikipedia
stuffing-box — (steu fin gh boks ) s. m. Se dit, dans les machines à vapeur, des pièces destinées à intercepter la communication entre deux milieux dans lesquels se meut une tige. On emploie quelquefois pour les pompes le stuffing box. ÉTYMOLOGIE Angl.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
stuffing-box packing — A sealing element of a stuffing box consisting of rings of tissue (e.g., cotton) or metal rings … Dictionary of automotive terms
stuffing box — noun a small chamber in which packing is compressed around a reciprocating shaft or piston to form a seal • Syn: ↑packing box • Hypernyms: ↑chamber • Part Meronyms: ↑stuffing nut, ↑packing nut … Useful english dictionary
stuffing box — /ˈstʌfɪŋ bɒks/ (say stufing boks) noun a contrivance for securing a steamtight, airtight, or watertight joint at the place or hole where a movable rod (as a piston rod) enters a vessel, consisting typically of a cylindrical box or chamber through …
stuffing box — noun Date: 1798 a device that prevents leakage along a moving part (as a connecting rod) passing through a hole in a vessel (as a cylinder) containing steam, water, or oil and that consists of a box or chamber made by enlarging the hole and a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
stuffing box — stuff′ing box n. mac a device for preventing leakage of gases or liquids along a moving rod or shaft at the point at which it leaves a cylinder, tank, ship hull, etc Also called gland II, 2) Etymology: 1790–1800 … From formal English to slang
stuffing box — Mach. a device for preventing leakage of gases or liquids along a moving rod or shaft at the point at which it leaves a cylinder, tank, ship hull, etc. Also called gland. [1790 1800] * * * … Universalium
stuffing box — enclosure containing packing that prevents leakage of gases or liquids … English contemporary dictionary